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The exact question asked in the discovery process will vary depending upon the specifics of the case. In general questions would pertain to the listing of all assets and liabilities, all financial issues and income, statements about allegations based on facts not supposition, disclosure of potential documentary evidence, potential witnesses, and so forth. Interrogatories are statements made under oath and questions should always be answered truthfully, no information should be volunteered, only answers to the questions that are presented.

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Q: What are some samples of interrogatory questions in money judgments?
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There are companies that purchase Money Judgments, You can locate them through any search engine. Most don't purchase outright, you assign the judgment to them and they pay a percentage of what they collect.

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No it doesn't cost money to answer questions on, it is a fantastic little tool to use, i use it a lot

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Answer questions

Are personal injury judgments admissable to bankruptcy?

No. If you owe money to another base on a personal injury judgment against you then it is really not fair to that person for you to have the debt discharged in your bankruptcy proceeding. Civil settlements/judgments are in the category of nondishcargeable debts and will remain with you until you pay them!

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