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Q: What are some questions you would ask Benjamin Banneker?
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What would be some memorabilia for Benjamin Banneker?

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What are some important math facts about Benjamin Banneker?

Benjamin Banneker discovered the Trigonometry Puzzle

Was Benjamin Banneker a black American?

he did some stuff...

What are some contribution to mathematics done by Benjamin Banneker?

Benjamin Banneker is known for being the first American-African Scientist in the United States. He is the one who made a model of clock of his own that last till' his death.

How was Benjamin Banneker's early life?

Benjamin Banneker's child was better than most in the 1730's. He was born to a free African American woman and a former slave. He had some formal education and was mostly self taught.

How many brothers or sisters did Benjamin Banneker have?

According to the U*X*L Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Laura B. Tyle. Vol. 1. p166-168. From Gale Virtual Reference Library, Benjamin Banneker had three sisters.

What were some really cool interesting things about Benjamin Banneker?

He was the first black scientist, astronomer, and he was a surveyor

Who became wealthy by publishing almanacs in the US and Europe?

Most definitely would be Benjamin Banneker. But he didn't get very wealthy at all. After his death in 1806, a substantial amount of myths came about that exaggerated his accomplishments greatly. Several of these urban legends describe Banneker's alleged activities in the Washington area around the time that he participated in the federal district boundary survey. Others involve his clock and his almanacs. All lack support by historical evidence. Some are even contradicted by such evidence. Hope this helps.

Was Benjamin Banneker ever ill?

Benjamin Banneker lived to reach the ripe old age of 74, a long life for those times. There is a theory in some quarters that he was an alcoholic and this lead to his final illness and death. Banneker himself suggested that he should not drink so much; in fact, when he assisted in the survey of the Federal City, he indicates in his journal that he touched "nary a drop."

Best black scientist ever?

There are many great black scientist. Some of the top scientist are Benjamin Banneker and Charles Drew.

What were some of Benjamin Banneker's goals?

He wanted to be a clock maker, astonamer, and mathematician.

Is there a list of Benjamin Banneker's inventions?

Benjamin Banneker was a self-taught African American mathematician, astronomer, surveyor, and farmer. He did not have any official patents or inventions attributed to him, but he is known for his work on surveying and predicting solar and lunar eclipses. Banneker's almanacs and correspondence with Thomas Jefferson also showcased his intellectual abilities and contributions.