Features of the Duga Soviet radar systems include being able to successfully detect rocket launches from 2,500 km away and there were only three built.
Duga Luka's population is 154.
Duga Rijeka's population is 141.
The area of Duga Resa is 58 square kilometers.
Miroslav Duga was born on 1989-01-29.
According to the most recent data available, the population of Duga Resa is approximately 10,785.
The cast of Duga - 2010 includes: Kresimir Mikic as Pripovjedac Janko Popovic Volaric as Otac
The cast of Duga svjetla - 2012 includes: Marko Kapitanovic as Driver Dino Nejasmic as Policeman
According to Sergei from SoloEast Travel Duga 3 is off limits. You can see it on the horizon when visiting Tsjernobyl and Prypiat though.
Christophe Dugarry goes by Duga.
The cast of Duga u crnini - 1992 includes: Ivan Jagodic as Narrator Olga Poznatov as Narrator Olga Savic as Marina Cvetajeva
Rainbow is "дъга"(duga). Rainbows is "дъги"(dugi).
Boris Turkovic was born on December 6, 1953, in Duga Resa, Croatia, Yugoslavia.