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Q: What are some of the challenges faced by the newly formed democratic government in Poland South Africa and Mexico?
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Does mexico have a democratic government?

it has a federal!!!

Why Mexico is non democratic?

Mexico has a similar government to the United States. It has a President, and is a Federal Republic with a Constitution. There are three branches of government, just like in America. Therefore, Mexico is very democratic. Probably more so, because they have more political parties than America.

What challenges did Mexico have in establishing a stable government?

Internal turmoilForeign threatsLack of monetary resources

Is Mexico democratic or republic?

Mexico is more democratic then it is republican. It is a republic though.

How have Mexican politics changed in recent years?

The politics of Mexico take place in a framework of a federal presidential representative democratic republic whose government is based on a congressional system, whereby the president of Mexico is both head of state and head of government. </a>

Why is Mexico not called a democratic?

For most of the twentieth century Mexico has had an elected president and a representative legislative assembly. However, these democratic institutions were weakened by the fact that one political party, the PRI, dominated Mexican politics. The representation scheme in the legislature and the powers of the presidency allowed this party to dominate all three branches of Mexico's national government.

Why did many Tejano's consider Santa Anna dictator?

becuse he did not follow the constitution of 1834 that guaranteed amore democratic government for Mexico.

Why did many Tejanos considered Santa Anna a dictator?

becuse he did not follow the constitution of 1834 that guaranteed amore democratic government for mexico.

Does African need visa to enter Mexico?

Yes. People entering Mexico from all countries in Africa are required to have a visa issued by the Mexican government.

What govermnment does Mexico have?

It is a "federal presidential representative democratic republic" whose government is based on a congressional system, whereby the president of Mexico is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party electoral system.In short, it has a form of government much like that of the United States.

What was of of Mexico's greatest challenges in the early twenty first century?

The greatest challenge of Mexico is combating the illegal drug trade that crosses the American border. Full employment is the goal of the government.

Is New Mexico a Republican or Democratic state?

Democratic State