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They put fried chicken under a crate and closed it on them

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Q: What are some methods used to capture slaves?
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Methods slaves used to remain undetected?

Some methods slaves used to remain undetected include hiding in vegetation, travelling at night, and staying away from populated areas. By doing this, they were sometimes able to escape to safety.

What is the illegal methods used for the capture of conch and lobster?

u and this

Did they use cars or trucks to capture slaves?

neither the used horses

How some Europeans used the head- right system to their advantage?

I believe that they used the headright system to capture, buy, and sell African slaves, but i'm not a 100% sure.

What was the Methods used to save slaves?

Abraham Lincoln The Underground railroad. Freedom

What law allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed for the capture and return of escaped slaves, treating them as criminals. This law required free states to assist in the capture and return of escaped slaves, leading to the forced labor of individuals who were seeking freedom.

What methods of extermination were used in the camps?

Gassed, shot or they just starved to death. Others were used as slaves.

How slaves escapes?

most of them escape in the under ground rail road

What were the the two methods used to sell slaves?

Slaves were either sold at public auctions, where buyers placed bids, or through private sales negotiated between the seller and buyer. Both methods were commonly used in various parts of the world during different historical periods to facilitate the buying and selling of slaves.

What were the various methods the African slaves used to freedom in the civil war?

waited for the union army

What are some methods slaves used to remain undetected?

Some methods slaves used to remain undetected included escaping to remote areas, creating hidden compartments for shelter, disguising themselves as free individuals, and altering their appearances to blend in with the general population. They also utilized secret communication networks, such as the Underground Railroad, to navigate to freedom.

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