

Best Answer

0000 AD Christ is born

250-299 AD Buddihsm is spread to china, hierooglyphs invened

450-499 AD Vandals destroy Rome

600-649 AD Arabs conquer Jerusalam, Mohammed the prophet

650-699 AD Arabs attack north africa destro carthage

800-849 AD Charlemagne crowned first holy roman emporor

850-899 AD the Norse grow

1040 AD Duncan murdered by MacBeth

1066 AD William the Bastard (later known as conqueror) invades England and kills harold II

1150-1167 AD Universities of Paris and Oxford established

1211 AD Gengjis Khan and the Mongols invade China, Persia, and Russia

1215 AD signing of Magna Carta

1241 AD Mongols deafeat Germany, and invade Poland and Hungary, and withdraw from europe

1271 AD Marco Polo goes from Venice to China

1312-1337 AD Mali reaches height of power

1337-1453 AD Hundred years war

1347-1453 AD 25,000,000 die in europe of black death

1398 AD last mongol conquest Delhi

1407 AD Casa di San Giorgio first public bank made in Genoa

1418-1460 AD Henry the Navigator explores Africa

1428 AD Joan d' Arc repelles English

1438 AD Incas rule peru

1453 AD The Turks conquer the Byzantine to start the Ottoman empire

1462-1504 AD Ivan the Great Rules Russia as the First "czar"

1503 AD Leonardo paints The Mona Lisa

1517 AD Turks conquer Egypt and Arabia, Martin luthers 95th theses

1532 AD Pizarro conqers Peru

1547 AD Ivan IV the Terrible crowned czar of Russia and conqueres

1556 AD Akbar the Great becomes Mogul emporer of India

1558 AD Queen Elizabeth ascends to the throne Shakespearean Period

1582 AD Pope Gregory XIII implements the Gregorian calendar

1582 AD Willem van Oranje rules the Netherlands


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Q: What are some major turning points in history?
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Matters when and how. At some points yes and at some points no. EnternetRebel

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Some researchers think that women are vulnerable to depression at all major turning points in their reproductive cycle, childbirth being only one of these markers.

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Atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods.There are no major turning points of atheism except one: Some people who have been exposed to religious belief early in life reach a significant point in life where they realize that belief in a supernatural father figure who controls human destiny and must be worshipped and obeyed is simply illogical, irrational and manmade. They decide to abandon religious belief and belief in gods. Some people are never exposed to religious belief and so that turning point need not occur. They lack any turning point.

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The real question your asking here is why there were turning points. The answer is because in every war, the chances of final victory differ between each battle fought. An example of this is WW2. There were defiantly some turning points in that whole thing. Additionally, play COD black ops, i think you will find that this game is surprising informative. I based my whole PHD on that game. I hope this answer will help your stupid little dog like face :D

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There are a few points in the Deceleration of Independence. Some of the points are freedom, money and power.

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1. changes people lives by having good karma

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