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the second world war and to some degree the Holocaust.

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Q: What are some long term causes of invasion of Poland?
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What were some jobs that were during the invasion of Poland?

rifleman, radioman, military police.

How did France respond to the invasion of Poland in 1939?

about your question "how did countries respond to the invasion of Poland is: GB and France declared war to Germany but there were no military actions on their part in the meantime, apart of some "skirmishes" on the North Sea and the Atlantic (navy actions of GB and Germany and the German invasion in Norway in April 1940). This declaration of war was called "phony war" until German's invasion of France in May 1940. Answer to the first part of the question "during 1939 what happened to Poland as a result of the invasion". In compliance with the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement, Poland was divided into to parts between Germany and Soviet Union. The territory occupied by the Soviets have never been recovered by Poland, who after the war received as compensation German territories westward. It's worth to point out that during the last days of fighting, Poland has been also invaded by Soviet Army which hit the Polish Army from behind.

Did Poland want to be invaded by Germany?

NoMy answer:NO, Germany was using almost plausible excuses for annexing its neighbors up to Poland. Poland was a full on Unadulterated military invasion. The lame excuses used were almost to enough to satisfy some of the worlds nations but none that had any foresight.

Where did the Germans first use the blitzkrieg?

Blitzkrieg military tactic has been used for a long time. The "Bitz" against England started in early 1940. I have attached some important information for you to better understand this military tactic and its history. It is still used today in warfare.

What are some facts about Australia in WW2?

Australia entered WW2 after The invasion on Poland by Germany. Declared War on Germany on September 3 1939. Australia has been fighting in WW2 from the years 1939-1945.

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What were some major causes of world war 2?

Japan's invasion of China and its attack on the US at Pearl Harbor. Italy's invasion of Ethipoia. Germany's Invasion of Poland and Russia.

What is some information about Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939?

Poland was defated by Germany.

What were some jobs that were during the invasion of Poland?

rifleman, radioman, military police.

What are the differing views on the German invasion of Poland?

It is a matter of justification. Was Germany's attack on Poland justified or was it contrived by Germany as a ruse of some sort to justify the invasion of Poland. If Germany could justify its incursion France and England would not be obligated to enter the conflict.

What are some specific causes of World War 2?

High inflation in Germany, poor German moral, the invasion of Poland by Germany after France and England warned Germany not to and a charasmatic speaker...Hitler... he told the Germans what they wanted to hear (he was Austrian)

Hitlers invasion of this country began military conflict in World War 2?

Your teacher probably wants the answer Poland, since it was the German invasion of Poland which led directly to the outbreak of WWII. In fact there had been several German annexations before this (in the 'Sudetenland', and in Austria) which had caused some local fighting. But it was invading Poland which started the big shooting-match.

Why did the world war happen?

the British said leave the Poland's alone we will go to war but Hitler said no so that's why

What were the event or action that started World War 2?

Adolf Hitler had his army invade Poland, remove Polish people and then they had some Germans move into Poland. Poland tried to defend themselves but did not win against the Germans. The French and the English people declared war on Germany due to that invasion.

How did France respond to the invasion of Poland in 1939?

about your question "how did countries respond to the invasion of Poland is: GB and France declared war to Germany but there were no military actions on their part in the meantime, apart of some "skirmishes" on the North Sea and the Atlantic (navy actions of GB and Germany and the German invasion in Norway in April 1940). This declaration of war was called "phony war" until German's invasion of France in May 1940. Answer to the first part of the question "during 1939 what happened to Poland as a result of the invasion". In compliance with the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement, Poland was divided into to parts between Germany and Soviet Union. The territory occupied by the Soviets have never been recovered by Poland, who after the war received as compensation German territories westward. It's worth to point out that during the last days of fighting, Poland has been also invaded by Soviet Army which hit the Polish Army from behind.

Did Poland want to be invaded by Germany?

NoMy answer:NO, Germany was using almost plausible excuses for annexing its neighbors up to Poland. Poland was a full on Unadulterated military invasion. The lame excuses used were almost to enough to satisfy some of the worlds nations but none that had any foresight.

What are some exports from Poland?

some of the exports in poland are poland's are 312/618km2

What were some of the major battles and events of World war 2?

In World War Two major battles and military operations include the following"* Invasion of Poland* Invasion of Soviet Union* Invasion of France and the Lowlands* Invasion of Norway* Battle of Tripoli*Battle of Normandy* Battle of Stalinburg* Battle of the Bulge* Pearl Harbor* Midway* Leyte Gulf* Invasion of China* Atomic bombings of Japan* Bombing of Dresden* Battle over Britain