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Interesting facts:

1.) the whole war of 1812-1814 (1814 is after the Treaty of Ghent was signed and declared war was over- but the last and final battle was on January 8th in 1815 called the "Battle of Orleans" - this happened when the war was officially declared over when really, no one listened because the message didn't get to Britain until weeks later.)

2.) the whole war consider of many confusing wins and loses.

3.) The White House in Washington DC, originally wasn't a 'white house' because it got burnt down by the British during the War of 1812 in 1814 (during the war but the date it got burnt down is 1814 *remember the war was declared over but no one listened so it sneers in 1815)

June 1812- U.S. Declares war on Britain

July 1812- American army enters Upper Canada

July 1812- British capture Fort Michilimackinac

August 1812- General Brock and Chief Tecumseh capture Detroit from American Generl Hull.

October 1812- Battle of Queenston Heights. Brock killed. Heights taken from Americans

April 1813- Americans capture York (older name for Toronto)

September 1813- Americans destroy British ships on Lake Erie

October 1813- Battle of Thames River. American victory. Chief Tecumseh killed.

October 1813- American force of 4000 troops retreat from British and Canadian force of 1000.

December 1813- Americans set fire to the town of Newark.

July 1814- Battle of Lundy's Lane. Americans retreat to Fort Erie.

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8y ago

Important facts about the War of 1812:

  • The Territory of Ohio had been subject to dispute for years, with ownership claimed by US, Britain, France, and Native Americans. Settlers were afraid to buy land and perhaps lose it because of the ownership disputes, even after the territory officially opened for settlement. By 1800, though, people had been moving westward and settling Ohio.
  • Two facts were at the heart of the War of 1812: (1) Rights of Trade and establishing US policies over trade in the US and (2) fear that Britain wanted to arm Native American Indians in the Ohio Territory. The US closed ports to British ships, and the US declared War with Britain. Britain was already at War with France.
  • The US declared war on June 18, 1812
  • U.S. troops totalled 286,730 in the full length of the war, with 2,260 deaths
  • Lakes and ports were major scenes of battles
  • British troops burned Detroit after they lost a battle on Lake Erie. The British took Washington D.C, burning the Capitol and the White House.
  • British troops withdrew to Canada many times, so US troops invaded Canada too. However, the US was not at war with Canada. However, it damaged relations between the US and Canada. Canada lost many civilian soldiers and warriors, such as the great Tecumseh
  • The war included battles in Upper Canada, Lower Canada, on the Great Lakes, and on the Atlantic, and in the United States.
  • After fighting for Independence from Britain (1776), in the War of 1812 the US finally succeeded in "kicking out" Britain, France, and "controlling" the Ohio Territory from Native Americans. Westward expansion could not be stopped, especially with settlers' belief in Manifest Destiny.
  • The War was officially fought from 1812 to 1814.
  • Trivia: For a time, the US and Britain had veterans from both the US Revolutionary War and War of 1812 alive during the same period. As Rev War veterans aged and died, the US then had War of 1812 veterans and veterans of the US Civil War (1863-1865) alive during the same period. As the War of 1812 vets aged and died, the US then had veterans of the US Civil War (63-65) and the Spanish-American War (April 1898 - August 1898) alive at the same time. With each war, the US government had laws to pay soldiers for their service, plus passed Pension Acts to help care for men wounded or maimed in wars. Shortly after a 1907 Act to provide for widows of the US CW, most of the Civil War veterans died in the 1910s.
  • Enlistment papers and Pension Applications for many (not all) US veterans of the wars mentioned here are housed with NARA (The National Archives and Records Administration) and these records can be purchased for review.
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15y ago

America was defeated militarily. A military disaster for America America lost most military battles

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10y ago

In 1812, The United States declared war on Great Britain. The war lasted for over two years and resolved issues that lingered after the end of the Revolutionary War.

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10y ago

the significance of the war of 1812 was the

France regained New Orleans after a victory by Napoleon's army.

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