

Best Answer

He was the 15th child of 17.

He had 7 sisters

He had 9 brothers

He was born on January 17, 1706

his birth was in Boston Massachusetts

  1. Benjamin Franklin was at the age of seventy when he signed the Declaration of Independence.

    He liked apples, cranberries, parmesan cheese

    He introduced rhubarb, and tofu to the colonies He had a pet lizard named Mozart

    Established the first fire department ever

    Nickname was "Water American"

    When he was 16, he became a vegetarian so he could spend his money on books instead of meat

    He was the first mailman in Philadelphia

    He didn't like math

  2. Benjamin Franklin was the ninth child out of eleven children.
  3. Ben Franklin was born in Boston on 1-17-1706.
  4. Benjamin's father was Josiah a candle/soap maker and his mother was Abiah.
  5. Ben Franklin ran away when his father couldn't give him any money. He traveled 50 miles to find a work.
  6. He was a civil worker, inventor, a founding father, scientist, publisher & author, and held many political positions such as Minister to France which caused frequent travel to other countries.
  7. He was the only person to sign the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Treaty of Paris of 1776.
  8. Benjamin Franklin died an abolitionist at April 17 of 1790.
  9. He was 84 when he died. Interesting fact about Benjamin Franklin is that he invented urinary catheter
  10. In fact, the difference in years between Josiah Franklin's eldest and youngest children was an entire generation.

    As a young lad, Benjamin Franklin wrote his name in a fancy manner. However, once a venerable old man saw the pompous signature and replied, "What fool's name is this?" After that incident, Benjamin autographed in a plain and efficient style.

    Having already seen one son leave to serve on a ship, Josiah sought to discourage Benjamin's inclination for the sea, getting him apprenticed to his brother instead.

    Inspired by his namesake uncle Benjamin, young Ben composed historical ballads (one was about the pirate Blackbeard) that were printed by his brother James in his fledgling print shop. The poems sold well.

    Benjamin attributed his love of independence to the many years he spent as an apprentice to his autocratic brother James. Franklin wrote that his brother's "harsh and tyrannical treatment of me might be a means of impressing me with that aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to me through my whole life."

    When Benjamin was sixteen, he experimented with vegetarianism in order to save money to buy more books.

    When Benjamin Franklin first arrived in Philadelphia, he had nothing but a Dutch shilling and three cents to his name. In many respects, he had severed his ties with his family back in Boston.

There is a great deal that is interesting about him. He was forced to quit school by his father at 7 and punished for reading. His father had him as an apprentice to a candle maker and that didn't work out so he was sent to his brother to apprentice in the printing business. While he was an apprentice his brother was arrested for writing against the king. Ben kept the business going until his brother was freed, but his brother forced him to sign another 7 year apprentice contract. At this time he was 17 years old so he ran away from Boston and ended up in Philadelphia where he kept a home the rest of his life. He helped with the Declaration of Independence, served in France getting money for the war, took part at 81 years old in the constitutional convention, was a writer, inventor, started schools, libraries, and fire departments. He left a bank account that the city of Philadelphia had to leave alone until 2000.
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7y ago
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7y ago

Benjamin Franklin was at the age of seventy when he signed the Declaration of Independence.

He liked apples, cranberries, parmesan cheese

He introduced rhubarb, and tofu to the colonies He had a pet lizard named Mozart

Established the first fire department ever

Nickname was "Water American"

When he was 16, he became a vegetarian so he could spend his money on books instead of meat

He was the first mailman in Philadelphia

He didn't like math

  1. Benjamin Franklin was the ninth child out of eleven children.
  2. Ben Franklin was born in Boston on 1-17-1706.
  3. Benjamin's father was Josiah a candle/soap maker and his mother was Abiah.
  4. Ben Franklin ran away when his father couldn't give him any money. He traveled 50 miles to find a work.
  5. He was a civil worker, inventor, a founding father, scientist, publisher & author, and held many political positions such as Minister to France which caused frequent travel to other countries.
  6. He was the only person to sign the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Treaty of Paris of 1776.
  7. Benjamin Franklin died an abolitionist at April 17 of 1790.
  8. He was 84 when he died. Interesting fact about Benjamin Franklin is that he invented urinary catheter
  9. In fact, the difference in years between Josiah Franklin's eldest and youngest children was an entire generation.

    As a young lad, Benjamin Franklin wrote his name in a fancy manner. However, once a venerable old man saw the pompous signature and replied, "What fool's name is this?" After that incident, Benjamin autographed in a plain and efficient style.

    Having already seen one son leave to serve on a ship, Josiah sought to discourage Benjamin's inclination for the sea, getting him apprenticed to his brother instead.

    Inspired by his namesake uncle Benjamin, young Ben composed historical ballads (one was about the pirate Blackbeard) that were printed by his brother James in his fledgling print shop. The poems sold well.

    Benjamin attributed his love of independence to the many years he spent as an apprentice to his autocratic brother James. Franklin wrote that his brother's "harsh and tyrannical treatment of me might be a means of impressing me with that aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to me through my whole life."

    When Benjamin was sixteen, he experimented with vegetarianism in order to save money to buy more books.

    When Benjamin Franklin first arrived in Philadelphia, he had nothing but a Dutch shilling and three cents to his name. In many respects, he had severed his ties with his family back in Boston.

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7y ago

Giving 20 facts about Franklin on here is a bit much, but I can give you several.

1. He was born in Boston the son of a soap maker in 1706

2. His father removed him from school at 8 years old.

3. He was an apprentice to a candle maker

4. He was an apprentice to his brother a printer at 12

5. He left Boston when his brother after returning from jail by the British made him sign another apprentice contract for 7 more years. He was about 17 at the time.

6. He ended up in Philadelphia where he stayed the rest of his life

7. He was in London when the Boston Tea Party happened and was called before the king. When he left London he firmly stood with the idea of independence from Britain

8. He invented bifocal glasses, the lightening rod, the Franklin stove, and wrote several books and studied electricity.

9. He published the Pennsylvania Gazette the most popular colonial newspaper.

10. He began the fire department

11.. He started a school that became of University of Penn

12. He got Philadelphia streets lit with lights and paved

13. He founded the first library in America

14. His son William was a loyalist while his father fought for against the crown

15. He served in the congress

16. He was in the court of Louis XVI fron 1776 until after the war. He got money for the war from France along with Adams and Jefferson.

17. He signed the Declaration of Indpendence

18. He was involved with the Treaty of Paris and return to America in 1784

19. He attended the Constitutional convention

20. He pushed for the abolition of slavery just before he died in 1790

Looks like I was able to give you 20.

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11y ago

To his life's end, Ben Franklin remained a printer and took pride in it.

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12y ago

he was not a president but he invented electricty

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15y ago

Ben Franklin created the swim flippers.

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