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1519 Alphonso Alvarez de Pineda maps the coast.
1682 The first Spanish mission in El Paso is built.
1685 Robert LaSalle searches the Texas coast for the Mississippi River. Two years later his men kill him.
1718 The Alamo is built.
1830 Mexico stops Immigration from America.
1836 Texas declares independence. Santa Anna wins the Battle of the Alamo. Sam Houston becomes president of Texas.
1845 Texas is annexed by the United States.
1861 Texas joins the Confederacy.
1865 The Battle of Palmetto Beach is fought after end of Civil War because news of the surrender had not yet reached Texas.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

March 6 is an important date in Texas history because it is the date of the Battle of the Alamo. March 2 is also important because it is the stateâ??s Independence Day.

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