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One of his military techniques was to attack and then retreat. The other army would form a long stretched out line chasing his army. Then he would attack again full force. The other army would be stretched out and he could use a lot of men to defeat a few at a time and do that over and over. That way he could defeat a large army by breaking it up into small pieces. While he was totally ruthless as he conquered, he demanded peace among his conquered subjects. It was safe for a woman to walk from one end of his empire to the other end. He had freedom of religion throughout his empire.

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Q: What are some historical ideas for Genghis khan?
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What are some experiences that Genghis khan did?

he grabbed many asian sticks on men

What is some important information about Genghis khan?

He proved himself worthy as a khan in battle and became a warrior , then he became a khan (ruler or chief) I hope this answers your question.

Did Genghis khan kill Jews?

While Genghis Khan was exceedingly violent and certainly did kill Jews, he did not take any specific action to target Jews for death. He pillaged, burned, and murdered millions of whom some were Jews. The only serious action that Genghis Khan took against the Jews (and Muslims as well) was to ban ritual slaughter practices of shechita (and dhabiha in the Islamic case).

Why did Genghis khan came to the sub-continent?

A Muslim leader,the shah of khwarezm ruled an area of west Turkestan.the shah knew little and cared less about the 1219 Genghis khan sent some merchants and ambassadors but the shah allowed their caravan to be looted.some of them were killed. Genghis khan was not pleased.he got together his army of 100,000 men.he marched to Turkestan and attacked the shah,who fled into the subcontinent. Genghis khan caught up with him at Attock in 1221. there the shah was defeated and an old story says that he jumped into the river with his armour on and swam across to safety. the mongols then attacked the western Punjab and the Peshawar and Multan provinces and raided and ruined Lahore. Genghis khan soon left the subcontinent but left behind mongol troops in the Punjab.

Was Genghis Khan a good guy or a bad guy?

That is an opinion. Though most people will believe that Ghengis Khan was evil. But for the people of Mongolia he is seen as some kind of national hero.

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What languages were spoken by Genghis Khan?

Genghis Khan spoke Mongolian, which was his native language and the language of his empire. In addition, he likely had some knowledge of Turkic and Chinese languages due to his interactions with neighboring tribes and empires.

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What are some experiences that Genghis khan did?

he grabbed many asian sticks on men

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What were some of Genghis khan significant accomplishments?

Genghis Khan united the the mongol tribes, conquered many lands in Asia, and gained the services of many conquered people.

What is some important information about Genghis khan?

He proved himself worthy as a khan in battle and became a warrior , then he became a khan (ruler or chief) I hope this answers your question.

What were some Genghis khans significant accomplishment?

Genghis Khan united the the mongol tribes, conquered many lands in Asia, and gained the services of many conquered people.

Did Genghis khan kill Jews?

While Genghis Khan was exceedingly violent and certainly did kill Jews, he did not take any specific action to target Jews for death. He pillaged, burned, and murdered millions of whom some were Jews. The only serious action that Genghis Khan took against the Jews (and Muslims as well) was to ban ritual slaughter practices of shechita (and dhabiha in the Islamic case).

Why did Genghis khan came to the sub-continent?

A Muslim leader,the shah of khwarezm ruled an area of west Turkestan.the shah knew little and cared less about the 1219 Genghis khan sent some merchants and ambassadors but the shah allowed their caravan to be looted.some of them were killed. Genghis khan was not pleased.he got together his army of 100,000 men.he marched to Turkestan and attacked the shah,who fled into the subcontinent. Genghis khan caught up with him at Attock in 1221. there the shah was defeated and an old story says that he jumped into the river with his armour on and swam across to safety. the mongols then attacked the western Punjab and the Peshawar and Multan provinces and raided and ruined Lahore. Genghis khan soon left the subcontinent but left behind mongol troops in the Punjab.

Was Genghis Khan a good guy or a bad guy?

That is an opinion. Though most people will believe that Ghengis Khan was evil. But for the people of Mongolia he is seen as some kind of national hero.