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Q: What are some examples of the ways colonies began to self governor?
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The house of burgesses began here?

The House of Burgesses, the first legislative assembly in the British American colonies, began in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Its creation marked an important step towards self-governance in the early English colonies.

What were examples of the development of self government and democracy in the British colonies?

Some examples are Massachusetts and Rhode Island

The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the?

The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the self-governing successes in Massachusetts and Virginia. When they were drafting the Constitution, the delegates had these examples to inspire them.

The royal charter proprietary colonies in America?

There were three different types of English colonies: charter, proprietary, and royal. Charter colonies were based on charters granted in 1662 and 1663 and were largely self-governing. Examples are Connecticut and Rhode Island. Proprietary colonies were organized and governed as the proprietor deemed fit. The proprietor was the person who was given a land grant by the king. Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania are examples of proprietary colonies. Royal colonies were under the direct control of the Crown. Examples include the Carolinas, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.

What was the 1st attemt of self government in the colonies?

The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at self government. The Articles of Confederation was written between 1777 and 1778.

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What are 2 early examples of representative government in the colonies?

The Stamp Act and the Tea Tax ...

Who is the governor - general?

The term Governor-General is used in former British colonies that are still part of the Commonwealth. The title refers to the official representative of the monarch in the now self-ruled nations. The Governor-General of each realm is appointed by the monarch.

The house of burgesses began here?

The House of Burgesses, the first legislative assembly in the British American colonies, began in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Its creation marked an important step towards self-governance in the early English colonies.

What were examples of the development of self government and democracy in the British colonies?

Some examples are Massachusetts and Rhode Island

What were Self governed colonies?

All thirteen colonies

The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the?

The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the self-governing successes in Massachusetts and Virginia. When they were drafting the Constitution, the delegates had these examples to inspire them.

Why did Britain agree to self rule in Australia?

Britain did not oppress Australia, and force it to remain a colony. There was not the same violence as seen in the American War of Independence, and perhaps Britain wanted to avoid replaying this event. The fact is that Australia had enough wealth and significance on the world stage by the beginning of the 20th century to make a successful bid for self-government.

What is the difference between French and British colonies?

France expected that their colonies would always be part of France. Britain trained their colonies to be self-governing.

Which colonies were largely self governing?

Connecticut and Rhode Island- they were the charter colonies

Was Africa a directly ruled colony?

Africa wasn't a colony. Africa was divided into many colonies, which all had varying political structures. Some were directly ruled by a Governor (such as Swaziland), others were self-governing (such as South Rhodesia). There were also protectorates (internal self-governance), mandates, and Dominions (partial internal and external self-governance).

Who were some of the colonists who began debating new ideas around self-government versus being colonies?

William Bradford, John Winthrop, John Mason, Thomas Hooker, & Roger Williams

How did the colonial powers control the native people?

There were Self-Governing colonies, colonies with representative councils (controlled some of their own legislative issues), colonies with nominated councils (mostly governor-appointed councils), and colonies ruled directly by a governor. There were also Protectorates, mandates, and Dominions controlled by European nations in Africa.