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A minicomputer was a class of computers sold in the mid-60's. They include Digital Equipment Corporation's 12-bit PDP-8, IBM's 1130, 1800, and system 3, Packard Bell PB 250 and many others. See the links for more.

We now use the term "midrange computer" for the modern equivalent of a minicomputer. Examples include the higher-end SPARC, POWER and Itanium-based systems from Oracle, IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

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A microcomputer is any computer built using a microprocessor. A microprocessor is an integrated circuit (or set of integrated circuits) containing the majority of the control and computational circuits needed to make a computer.

Before the invention of microprocessors it took hundreds to millions of separate components (e.g. integrated circuits, transistors. diodes. vacuum tubes, resistors, capacitors, inductors, pulse Transformers) to build these control and computational circuits needed to make a computer. The resulting computers (because of their size) were called respectively minicomputers and mainframe computers.

In a rough timeline:

  1. 1948 to 1966 - mainframe computers (tens of thousands to millions of discrete parts)
  2. 1966 to 1975 - minicomputers (hundreds to thousands of integrated circuits)
  3. 1975 to present - microcomputers (microprocessor integrated circuit)

The computer you used to ask this question is almost certainly an example of a microcomputer.

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What are the example of mainframe computing?

IBM system 3 and AS-400 are some examples of minicomputers.

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I wouldn't say mini as mini means much much smaller than that a laptop is. A smartphone thought can be considered as the mini computer.Laptop is a smaller portable computer compared to desktop. Mini computer can be the latest smart watches and rather mobiles phones can be small computers and phones which are portable.

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Three types of computer?

Mainframes, Mini-computers and Micro-computers.

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The definition of "Mini" and "Frame" computers in terms of processing power and speed etc. has changed over the years. "Main frame" computers are the largest and as of July 2012 some have several thousand central processing units, mini frame computers are smaller and therefore less powerful but are needed where "ordinary" desktops are insufficient such as handling large databases and heavy number crunching in various analysis jobs.

What company has the best mini laptop computers?

The best netbook computers (also known as mini laptop computers) come from both Dell and Acer. These are generally smaller and just made for surfing the internet.