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Slavery, Political, and Democracy.

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Q: What are some Political reasons for Manifest Destiny?
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What were some of the economic causes and effects of manifest destiny?


What are some major wars manifest destiny caused?

Mexican American War

What are some slogans for manifest destiny?

Get rich quick, California Gold Rush

Why was manifest destiny good?

Manifest destiny was good because we bought land because people thought it was our faith hence the manifest destiny concept,though some people say well yeah US is a great country but when we had the chance we should have gotten more there are different opinions on this concept

Why did some citizens of the US wanted to annex Texas?

Manifest destiny. It means the belief that the US should reach west to the Pacific Ocean.

Use the primary sources attached to answer the following question: Was Manifest Destiny Justified?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the United States' destiny and duty to expand its control and influence from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The primary sources attached to this question provide different perspectives on whether Manifest Destiny was justified. The first primary source, a speech given by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845, is in support of Manifest Destiny. O’Sullivan argues that the United States has a right and a duty to expand its control and influence, as the country was founded on the principles of freedom and democracy. He states that it is the United States' "manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." The second primary source, a speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, is in opposition to Manifest Destiny. Chief Seattle argues that Manifest Destiny is an imperialistic endeavor that will bring destruction and death to the Indigenous peoples of North America. He states that the "White Man” will take their land and resources, and that their culture will be destroyed in the process. It is difficult to determine whether Manifest Destiny was justified, as it depends on the individual's perspective. Some may argue that Manifest Destiny was justified, as it allowed the country to expand its influence and spread democracy throughout the continent. Others may argue that Manifest Destiny was not justified, as it brought destruction and death to Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

What are some political economic and social reasons for manifest destiny?

The social roots of manifest destiny can be condensed into a perceived belief by Anglo-Saxon immigrants that their expulsion of British authority and economic success were a sign from a higher power that all of the "Americas" were to be used for the benefit of the "white" man. This led to a combined disregard for most other races of immigrants and the Native Americans that needed to be exterminated to ensure the United States expansion to the Pacific Ocean.

Some advocates of Manifest Destiny believed the US should control the Western Hemisphere True Or False?


How did the idea of manifest destiny shape American attitudes regarding the Oregon Country?

The idea that this was our destiny some how gave the Americans the thought it was okay to kick the natives off their land.

What did Americans mean by the concept of manifest destiny?

Manifest Destiny, completed by our 11th President, James K. Polk. The meaning of Manifest Destiny was to stretch the American land and people to the Pacific Coast. The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase completed the idea of Manifest Destiny.

Why did some politicians support James K. Polks interest in annexing Oregon?

He belived in Manifest Destiny-nova net

What does it mean that some Americans believed the us had continental destiny?

Manifest destiny was the belief among US citizens that they were meant to spread the US land territory from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast.