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I must say they are very different..You couldn't really tell any unless you did research with people of early history compared to the people there now. You would definitely have to take a trip

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Q: What are some Human Characteristics of the Middle East?
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Yes, the middle east is a region ..why? .the middle east has some distinct physical and human characteristics to identify it as a region . much of the region is dry, and most inhabitants are Muslim . many of the world's leading oil-producing contries are also located in the region :)(: -Sarah

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Answer 1it is hard to identify the boundary of the middle east because a region is identified by its characteristics . The middle east is mostly dry and full of deserts but it has an interrupted circle of water around it which would disclude Cyprus, Sudan and Afghanistan which were always thought to be middle Eastern country's.Answer 2The Middle East is as much a cultural term as a strict geographic term. As a result, depending on which countries a person wishes to include in an analysis of the Middle East, some countries may be added or removed. There are additionally no clear edges of the Middle East since most mountains or water boundaries have more "Middle Eastern Territory" on the other side. This is as opposed to, say, the border between North and South America that clearly passes through the center of the Panama Canal.

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Human environment interaction in the Middle East is similar to most other countries. Whenever we do anything to change the environment, that is interaction.Building roads.Building houses.Cutting down trees.Learning how to survive with little water.Throwing litterEstablishing a landfillBuilding a dam or a bridge across a river.

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