They ended a Dictatorship that lasted for 40 years.
There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 40 years is equal to 40 x 12 = 480 months.
Not very succesfully, I'm afraid! Hardly a fight was entered into. Basically, most modern education worldwide for the past 40 years has become a socialist and humanist bed!!
It marks 40 years since am event happened. With a marriage and in certain other cases it is referred to as a ruby anniversary.
30-40 years
Nate rivers
it getting bigger and better
It has changed drastically throughout the years so an estimate is impossible.
4,238 episodes.
Nothing, it is still continuing and thriving as it has been for the past 40-years.
This is a question for which each answer will be personal. My view of Christ has not changed in the past year. I view Him from the Biblical perspective and have for the past 40 years.
The growth rate is 25-40% in the past few years.
In the wild, rarely past 40 years. But in captivity, some have been known to live past 60.
They are all on here
Terry Sheringham was well past 40 years when he finally retired.
37.753 rounded to one significant figure becomes 40