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Lebanon and Israel are in a de jure State of War. There are no diplomatic relations between the two nations at ANY level and Lebanese entrants may have their entry denied if the border patrol sees any evidence of Israeli entrance on a passport. (Israel does not reciprocate this forbidding of entrance, but Israeli officials do get angry when they see Lebanese stamps in a passport.) There are no border crossing and citizens of each country cannot visit the other country.

On the flip side, a small part of the Israeli population traces Lebanese Jewish Heritage.

In terms of political history, Lebanon was one of the seven Arab nations that tried to destroy Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9. After Israel's success, Lebanon abstained from the Six-Day War of 1967 and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973. Israel invaded Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War in order to force the PLO out of Lebanon. During that period, Israel allied with Lebanese Christian Phalangist Movements against the Sunni and Shiite Moslem coalitions and the Syrian Invaders. Israel retreated in 1982 to occupy a southern portion of the country, which it relinquished in 2000. In 2006, Israel invaded Lebanon again after Hezbollah captured 2 Israeli Border Soldiers. Hezbollah reciprocated with Katyusha Missile Attacks. The Israel-Hezbollah War lasted for a few months before Israeli troops withdrew back to the Israeli border.

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