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the political Method of the Selection of the Caliph by vote and its disagreement with the shiite view

shiism believes that the divine law of Islam or Shariah , whose substance is found in the book of God and in the tradition or Sunnah of the Holy Prophet , will remain valid to the day of judgment and can never, or nor will ever , be altered. A govenment which really is Islamic cannot, under any pretext , refuse completely to carry out the shariah's injunction. the only duty of an Islamic government is to make decisions by consultation within the limits set by Shariah and in accordance with the demands of the moment.

the vow of allegiance to Abu-BAkr at Saqifah, was motivated at least in part by political considerations and the incident described in the hadith of "INK and Paper" which occurred during the last days of the illness of the Holy prophet reveal the fact that those who directed and backed the movement to choose the caliph through the process of election believed that the book of God should be preserved in the form of constitution . they emphasized the Holy book and paid much less attention to the words of the Holy prophet as an immutable source of the teaching of islam. they seems to have accepted the modification of the certain Aspects of islamic Teachings concerning government to suit the conditions of the moment and for the sake of the general welfare.

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Q: What are political differences between Sunnis and Shiites?
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The Sunnis are of bigger population. Of world Muslims, 85% are Sunnis.

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Please see the two Related Questions below which discuss the differences of Sunnis with Shiites (together they represent >99% of Muslims) and for other much more minor sects like Ibadi, Ahmadi, etc.

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