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In terms of trade, Hatshepsut was not blind to the need of bolstering Egypt's economy' and indeed, the Punt expedition is but the climax of her consistent trading enterprises with Lebanon, Crete, Syria, West Africa, South Africa, Aswan and the reopening of mines in Mt. Sinai. Hatshepsut's legacy is also extant in the enduring architectural innovations she incorporated into her building program. The design of Djeser-Djeseru is a prime example; although there exist a few doubtful precursors of the terraced template originality of the design cannot be gainsaid.' The thematic structure of the three terraces, from her role as pharaoh, to legitimization of her rule and achievements, to the worship of the deities is indisputably her own invention, as were the ramps linking them, imitating the glory of a sun's ray. Thutmose III modeled his mortuary temple on Hatshepsut's whilst Akhenaten incorporated the design of the ramps into his own buildings. Similarly, the design of Hatshepsut's tomb, with the three successive passageways leading to the burial chamber, her royal sarcophagus, her resting stations for Amun's barque were likewise replicated by her successors. Therefore, Hatshepsut's reign was characterized by a myriad of architectural innovations that became her legacy, to be admiringly integrated into the buildings of the future generations of pharaohs.

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Who was hatshepsuts newhew?

Thutmose the third not rames the third

What is hatshepsuts full name?

Maatkare Khnumt-Amun Hatshepsut

Who is hatshepsuts lover?

Lots of men. Its said she had close to 60.

When did hatshepsuts rule end?

Her time or reign was 1508-1458 BC. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. The mummy was found long ago but it was unidentified until 2014. They found a tooth in the organ jars and it was a match. Her mummy was found at last. Her mummy was found under the instruction of Dr. Hawass.

How did you become a Pharaoh or Queen?

Generally speaking, the royal families of ancient Egypt used heredity to select the next ruler when the Pharaoh or Queen died. This system was in place for hundreds of centuries. The few times these chains of ruler ship were broken had to do events such as civil wars or the failure of a Pharaoh to carry on traditional Egyptian values.

Related questions

How was the pharaoh Hatshepsuts upbringing?

All royalties have to study with scribes and priest. They studied courses which we have today, and notably languages of the surroundings provinces.

Was hatshepsuts father Pharaoh before she was?

Yes, Hatshepsut was the elder daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose, the first king and queen of the Thutmoside clan of the eighteenth dynasty.

What was Queen Hatshepsuts nickname?

Hatshepsut meaning Foremost of Noble Ladies; was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Under Hatshepsut's reign, Egypt prospered.

What is Hatshepsuts daughters name?

Hatshepsuts daughter was named, Neferure. (not nefertiti)

When was hatshepsuts crowed?

Her time or reign was 1508-1458 BC. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

What is hatshepsuts homeland?

it was egypt!

Who was hatshepsuts wife?

umm...she was a girl...

What was the significance of Queen Hatshepsuts rules?

She helped establish more trade routes with other countries helping Egypt flourish. Plus Hatshepsut didn't become pharaoh cuz' she wanted too so maybe she didn't do much, but it wasn't her fault she became pharaoh.

What was hatshepsuts hubands name?

Tuthmosis ii.

Why did thutmose try to erase all records of Hatshepsuts reign?

Thutmose tried to erase all records of Hatshepsut reign probably because he didn't want anybody to know about these thing so that when he becomes pharaoh he could seem all great .

Who were hatshepsuts's chilidren?

Hatshepsut's child was Neferure a female.

Who was hatshepsuts newhew?

Thutmose the third not rames the third