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Q: What are penates in ancient Rome?
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What did Aeneas contribute to rome?

According to legend, when Troy fell Aeneas rescued the penates of Troy and carried them to Italy, where eventually they became the penates of Rome.The penates were the gods of a city, in effect the city's soul. A city could only die when its penates had been captured or destroyed. So in taking the penates to Italy Aeneas had rescued the soul of Troy, and when they became the penates of Rome, Rome became Troy's reincarnation.

What was the relationship between Hector and Aeneas?

Aeneas is mentioned in the Iliad as some kind of company captain in the Trojan army; since Hector is the commander in chief of the Trojan forces, the relation between the two heroes must have been close.In the Aeneid the ghost of Hector brings Aeneas the penates of Troy to carry to Italy.The penates were the special gods who guarded a city - its soul. A city only truly died when its penates were destroyed or captured.Since Aeneas carried Troy's penates to Italy, where they eventually became the penates of Rome, Rome was the reincarnation of Troy.

Who is a soothsayer in the ancient Romans?

In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.In ancient Rome a soothsayer was a fortune teller.

What did tata mean in ancient rome?

In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.In ancient Rome (Latin) "tata" means daddy.

Who is the prince of ancient Rome?

There was not a prince in ancient Rome.

How do you get places in ancient Rome?

how do you get places in ancient Rome

Why is ancient rome underground?

There was Ancient Rome before present day Rome right? So - eventually, Ancient Rome started slipping away and archeologists just built over Anciet Rome. That kept happening until they had present day Rome and Ancient Rome - but Ancient Rome was underground

What is the difference between modern and ancient rome?

ancient Rome hated christians, modern rome embraces them

Who was ancient Rome before the republic?

Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.

Why was ancient Greece least successful than ancient rome?

Because Ancient Greece did have the same technology as Ancient Rome as Ancient Rome were technologically advanced. Ancient Rome had a stronger army and a more stronger and structured democracy.

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In ancient rome a blacksmith is a blacksmith

How did ancient Rome benefit from the newspaper?

There were no newspapers in ancient Rome.