Asar, Aesar, Ausar, Unnefer, Usar
Osiris is the Greek form of Asar, the Egyptian God of the Dead.
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Osiris was Isis' husband (in the Ennead).
Osiris is the Greek spelling/pronunciation of the name of the Egyptian god, his Egyptian name meant "he of the throne".
Osiris was also God of the underworld. He was extrimly important through out the ancient Egyptian Cizilization.
Osiris carried a crook, frail and something else I forget the other one sorry. Hope this helps.
Yes, Set killed Osiris and sent him into the Nile river. when isis found osiris, set chopped him up and put him back in the nile river. that other guy that answered was stupid.
Osiris had one son, Horus.
No, Osiris did not have a pyramid but he did have temples and shrines and other scared sites of worship.
The Daily Orbit - 2012 Student Names Asteroid for OSIRIS-REx 1-173 was released on: USA: 3 May 2013
Yahweh, Zeus, Thor, Odin, Jupiter, Osiris, etc.
some were ra the sun god, anubis, osiris and his wife isis
Her Husband was her brother Osiris. In those Ancient times brother and sisters could of gotten married to each other.
Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. But in some other stories these three are depicted as brothers and sister.
Osiris was Isis' husband (in the Ennead).
Osiris is the Greek spelling/pronunciation of the name of the Egyptian god, his Egyptian name meant "he of the throne".
the cult of osiris ended when Osiris died
they are simply writings, that tell a story such as Osiris and other such things.
Osiris was also God of the underworld. He was extrimly important through out the ancient Egyptian Cizilization.