We as Americans have the right to vote, have the right to our own religion. We dont get told what to do every minute of everyday. America dosent leave all of the power to one man. We have alot more freedom then anyone has ever thought about, so when you plan to say this country isnt fair check again.
war work..............
african amerincans had better economic opportunities
The NAACP attempted to create fair job opportunities and opportunities regarding education (etc, etc) for African-Americans. NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples, if that is of any help.
Mary McLeod Bethune
Civilian Conservation Corps
She helped African Americans and native Americans get the things and opportunities that Americans had.
war work..............
It increased economic opportunities for many African Americans.
african amerincans had better economic opportunities
African Americans and women
they were able to campaign against discrimination
African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities.
railroad construction, cattle ranching, and mining.
I can think of several wars. You need to give us a where, when, how, why, who question to get an answer.