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Q: What are merchants in the middle ages like?
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Where did merchants work in the middle ages?

where did merchants work in the middle ages

What are the Middle Ages job's?

Middle age people were mainly merchants.

What do Merchenats in the middle ages do?

Merchants sell things then and now.

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What did merchants live in in the middle ages?

Merchants in the middle ages often lived in the back of their store. The store keeper may have lived above the store, while the black smith lived in a back room.

Did king or queens buy anything from merchants in the middle ages?

Actually they did not buy from the merchants they had bought everything across the seas.

In middle ages what role did merchants have in Arab society?

They were an important and respected class of people.

IN the Middle Ages what role did merchants have in Arab society?

They were an important and respected class of people.

Artisans and merchants during the middle ages joined what to provide education and control prices?

They joined the guilds.

Why were craftsmen and merchants important to the middle ages?

Craftsmen and Merchants were important to the Middle Ages because they invented new tools and technology. They also helped craft new tools for the peasants to use to work and do jobs. They also helped others because they also crafted bowls, spoons, and drinkware. If there were no craftsmen, then the whole middle ages would be eating with their hands, and off the ground.

When did merchants move into towns in medieval Europe?

Merchants, by selling food and goods, attracted people to move to the towns. The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages.

What were the names of the Merchants of the Staple of Calais?

There is a list of merchants active in Calais in the index of T.H. Lloyd, The English Wool Trade in the Middle Ages, Cambridge uni Press, 1977. See under "Merchants" in Index.