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Some of Adolf Hitler's weaknesses might have been:

  • self-delusion
  • inferiority feelings
  • greed
  • abuse of power
  • lack of compassion
  • inability to recognize or accept reality

Some of Adolf Hitler's strengths might have been:

  • great military strategist
  • persuasive speaker
  • commandeering style
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14y ago
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13y ago
  1. He could not see his own weaknesses
  2. He had no empathy
  3. He was basically a megalomaniac
  4. He had a sense of history but wasn't smart enough to learn from it.
  5. He was unable to withdraw and regroup
  6. He was stupid enough to believe that a country the size of Germany could take on the whole world without eventually getting beaten.

Hitlers biggest mistake was to stop listening to his generals who were giving him advice based on experience and impose his own will on the army. Such was the fear of Hitler and his tantrums that his generals avoided telling him that he was making rudementary mistakes. This eventually led to a plot to kill Hitler which was supported and actioned by a number of his high command officer.

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Q: What are hitlers personal strengths?
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