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Hieroglyphics are symbols that stand for words. The Egyptians used them, and they were difficult to accurately decipher until a translation key was discovered (the Rosetta Stone).

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Jaiden Schiller

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2y ago
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13y ago

Hieroglyphics were the language of the ancient Egyptians. They had developed over an extensive period of time, beginning with simple pictures of things they saw in front of them; IE the christian fish was the symbol for a fish. Over time the symbols altered and eventually evolved into the complex language that is so recognizable today. The language began to die out after Egypt was conquered by the ancient Greeks and the ruling class spoke ,of course, Greek. With that they began to speak other languages as their nation was ruled by several different cultures. Egyptologists rediscovered the meaning of the symbols after the discovery of the Rosetta stone. If you would like to know what the symbols mean you can Google ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics translator and there you go.

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Related questions

Do other people know about hieroglyphics?

Many people know about hieroglyphics. In fact, many people can read them.

How do you know hieroglyphics exist?

Because there are thousands of examples: buildings, tombs, monuments and documents written hieroglyphics.

Are there different types of hieroglyphics?

the answer is there could be other types of hieroglyphics we just might not know about those particular ones.

How do you write mesopotamia in hieroglyphics?

sorry i dont know

What does Cleopatra's cartouche mean?

A cartouche is a person's name written in hieroglyphics. It is a line, sometimes two, of hieroglyphics with a circle around it. Cleopatra's cartouche would simply be her name written in hieroglyphics.

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What was the difference between origanal hieroglyphics and hieractiv hieroglyphics?

If you mean hieratic, then hieratic glyphs were mostly used in documents, poems, and stories, where as regular hieroglyphics, called demotic, was used more for everyday writing. Hope that helped!

What do scientist's think hieroglyphics are?

Most scientists probably don't think anything about hieroglyphics. Historians know that they are a form of pictorial writing used by the ancient Egyptians.

What is the name of the language the anasazi spoke?

I don't know the name, but i do know they wrote with petroglyphs, pictographs, and hieroglyphics.

What does Egyptian herioglyphics mean for the egyptians?

Hieroglyphics is the written way of communication for the Egyptians.

What is the significance of hieroglyphics to the present?

There are many things about Ancient Egypt whcih we still do not know, and there are many inscriptions and other writings in hieroglyphics which need to be translated. It is therefore still very important for those who are uncovering this important part of our past to understand hieroglyphics.

What were the Hieroglyphics of Cleopatra's name?

this link has got all letters in hieroglyphics