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Q: What are groups of soldiers that claimed to be ready to fight on a minute's notice called?
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What were hometown of groups soldiers called?

The answer is Militia.

What were roman military groups made op of about 6000 soldiers?

A Roman military group that consisted of about 6000 soldiers was called a legion.

What where the two groups of the roman soldiers?

The two groups of Roman soldiers were the infantry and the cavalry. Each group had its divisions.

What are the nouns for soldiers?

Nouns for groups of soldiers include: A company of soldiers A division of soldiers A muster of soldiers A platoon of soldiers A phalanx of soldiers A troop of soldiers A squad of soldiers An army of soldiers A brigade of soldiers

What groups claimed the right to live in Palestine?

Jews and Palestinians.

What is a name for a group of soldiers?

A small group of soldier is called a section or a squad. A section typically consists of 7 to 12 soldiers. Bigger groups are known as platoons, Company and battalion in ascending order.

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Yes, they did. When Anita Hill claimed that a conservative - Clarence Thomas - had sexually harassed her, such women's groups claimed that women didn't lie about such things. However, when Paula Jones stepped forward with sexaul harassment claims against a liberal - Bill Clinton - the same groups claimed that she should not be believed.

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Russian soldiers

Definition of batteries as in a company of soldiers?

usually groups of artillery.

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