

What are good books on the Nazis?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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11y ago

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"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer , "The Coming of the Third Reich"/ "The Third Reich in Power"and "The Third Reich at War"by Richard J. Evans , "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS" by Heinz Zollin Hohne and "The Third Reich: A New History" by Michael Burleigh .

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What kind of books were burned and band by the Nazis?

Adeles books and Angels.

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What happened to many books in Germany in the 1930s and why?

Many books in Germany were burned in huge bonfires that consisted only of books. No wood. This happened because the Nazis thought that some books in Germany were against the Nazis and Hitler as well. So, they banned some books that were of "Lighter" criticisms, and burned those that were considered too against the Nazis ways and beliefs.

Why did the Nazis burn books?

Books provide ideas. They can provide alternative answers to the propaganda, contradicting the things the Nazi's wanted the people to believe. It is one way of controlling the population, controlling what they can know and learn. This meant the public would have no influences for ideas against the Nazis, preventing public rebellion which could cause the Nazis to lose power as the public gained power.

Why were Charles Darwin's books burned?

Charles Darwin's books were burned in Germany by the Nazis because they were considered "un-german"

Why was Darwin's books burned in World War 2 by the Nazis but evolution was taught in German schools?

It is unlikely that his books were burned, because Adolf Hitler & the Nazis were believers in Darwin's theories, especially as they applied to humans & society.

What was burned in public Hitler?

You may be thinking that Hitler & the Nazis burned books. Yes some books that the Nazis did not like were burned, however this was done for publicity. Actually book burnings were not a major feature of Nazi German life. The Germans valued books & education in general, and would have burned anti-Nazi books & books written by Jews.

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There are many stories, books or even films about the escape of Curious George from Nazis. The escape is not real actually but Curious George uses a special car to escape from Nazis.

Why did the Nazis' ban Upton Sinclair's books?

Upton Sinclair was a socialist. His political views were prominently displayed in his writing. One notable example is in the last three chapters of his book "The Jungle." The Nazis, being a conservative party, did not approve of the socialistic undertones in his books, and felt that if people were attracted to the message of socialism it would challenge the Nazis' authority.

What type of books did the Nazis ban?

The Nazis banned books written by Jewish authors, books that criticized the Nazi regime or promoted ideas contrary to Nazi ideology, and works that were seen as "degenerate" or immoral. They targeted books on topics such as democracy, communism, and pacifism, as well as those that promoted individualism or nonconformity.

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neither, it was first used by Hindus by as a good luck symbol

Are Nazis good?

Nothing is wrong with Nazis they are just racist but everybody is racist in a way