

Best Answer
  • There wasn't much.
  • Religious art shows how the medieval mind saw religion
  • stain glass windows that still survive
  • the gothic churches that were built
  • the few books that were made by monks like the book of Kells. It is a beautiful book full of art
  • some pieces of jewerly that survive are wonderful to see
  • ruins of castles that we can visit
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Q: What are four good things about medieval times?
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What is a good topic sentence for food in the medieval times?

I think you should do like what they did in the kitchen and some things about entertainment

What did do for fun in medieval times?

They had games, dancing, feasts, music, and other things they could find to have a good time.

What were some qualities of a good feudal lord in medieval times?

In Medieval times, a good feudal lord shared the bounty of the land with the tenant. A good feudal lord also shared meals with the tenant.

What was good about the Medieval Times?

nothing but the plague and horse meat

What is a good way to describe a character from medieval times who's a peasant?

Here's a good link to show you how to describe a person -- and also a link to some information about medieval peasants!

What was the responsibility of the Court in medieval times?

Good question. I'm trying to find that out aswell.

What culture did medieval European women have?

Some of the women of medieval Europe were among the most culturally influential people of their times. Among those who come to mind, Eleanor of Aquitaine comes to mind as a promoter of the arts. There is a link below to a related question on the things medieval women did, and there is a good deal of information in the answer there, together with source citations.

What is a good website to find things out about sicknesses of Medieval Europe?

I find this one very useful.

What year were medieval monks around?

Monks were around for every single year of the Medieval Age. There were also monks in late Roman times, and there are still monks in modern times. Monks have been around for a good long while, and not all of them were Medieval. * The Medieval Age lasted from the 5th Century to the 15th.

Were the dark ages a good or bad period of time?

The Dark Ages were also known as the Medieval times. They call it the Dark Ages because there was blood, gore, diseases, and the peasants weren't treated very well. There was also Druids and superstitious beliefs. But a lot of good things happened, too. Things were invented, and there were knights and castles. The Medieval people wrote some pretty good stories, too. That's where the classic 'Save the Princess' thing comes from! So the Dark Ages were kind of good, and kind of bad at the same times.

What are some good books about medieval times?

the rangers apprentice book series by John Flanagan

What board games were around in medieval times?

I assume you mean what are some good medieval themed board games? If that is correct I think Kingsburg is pretty good. Carcassone is excellent, Dominion is pretty good as well.