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Q: What are forms of money of Jumano Indian?
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What was the jumano Indian life like?

they lice

What do jumano Indian's wear?

they wore buffalo skin

What was the Indian tribe Jumanos religion?

how was the jumano culture like.

Which of the four regions of Texas did the Jumano Indian tribe live in?

I am a seventh grader and we were studying this back in the second six weeks. I found out that the Jumano Indian tribe lived in adobe houses in the mountains and basins region.

Who was the tribe leader for the Jumano Indian tribe?

There were leaders for every village so there is no leader of them in general.

What does the Jumano Indian tribe eat?

dried corn, beans, squash, and they traded tourqouise for meats from other neighboring tribes.

Does jumano have a government?

Yes jumano has a government

Are there any examples of Jumano Indian Folktales?

Yes, one example is the legend of the Great Rabbit or Trickster Rabbit, which is a common figure in Jumano folklore. This rabbit outwits other animals through cleverness and cunning. Another story is "The Legend of the Corn Maidens," which tells the tale of how the Jumano people received the gift of corn from the Corn Maidens.

Did the jumano Indians gather nuts or berries?

yes! of course they gathered nuts and berries what kind of indian tribe doesn't seriously!

What languages were spoken by the Jumano people?

Nobody really knows. There aren't many historical records of this tribe, which went extinct in the 18th Century.

What are the customs for a jumano Indian?

They grewcorn, beans, and squash for food. They made good pottery to keep the food in. And they traveled a lot.

What did the plains jumano supply to the jumano near the rio grande?

The Jumano would live off the land. They would mostly eat Buffalo .