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Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government

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freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, trial by jury

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Q: What are five freedoms listed in the bill of rights?
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What are the five freedoms in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights?

The first Amendment grants the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

What are the five rights or freedoms form the First Amendment?

The five rights are Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, and Assembly.

What are the five basic freedoms listed under the 1st amendment to the Constitution?


What are three First Amendment freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?

There are 5 freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.The Freedom of SpeechThe Freedom of PressThe Freedom of AssemblyThe Freedom of PetitionThe Freedom of Religion

How can you exercise the rights of the five freedoms of the first amendment?

We exercise first amendment freedoms whenever we express our opinions or religious beliefs.

5 rights and freedoms protected in the amendments to the Constitution.?

The first amendment protects the five rights of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition.

These rights are called freedoms Most deal with what?

The rights called freedoms mostly deal with the liberties that all are entitled to. These are five liberties, such as freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of the press, and the right to speak up if you feel the government is doing something wrong.

Why was Amendment 5 added to the US Constitution?

To guarantee the five freedoms listed in it, which are.... 1. right to indictment by a grand jury 2. right to due process 3. protection from double jeopardy 4. protection from self-incrimination 5. eminent domain rights

What are five rights that you havewhich are in the Bill of Rights?

freedom of speech religion press assembly petition

What is the connection between the ratification and bill of rights?

Five states ratified conditionally, with amendments. James Madison rewrote those amendments into the Bill of Rights.

What are the five freedoms?


How was the bill of rights influenced by the Virginia declaration of rights and Virginia statue of religious freedom?

The Bill of Rights, written by James Madison, was influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in many ways. The first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights are similar to the Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason. For example, Article 8 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights keeps people from "being deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land", which later developed into part of the federal Bill of Rights. There are also sections of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, written by Thomas Jefferson, that can compare to the Bill of Rights. The five basic freedoms, found in the first amendment, are still prevalent in our communities and governments today. Separation of church and state is still an issue. People everywhere still adament that they have religious freedom.