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Fireworks are used for celebrations today. Also they sometimes are used for shows. Here are some celebrations birthdays, 4th of July, New Years day, and sometimes for other holidays!

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Q: What are fireworks used for today?
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Are fireworks still used today?

yes they are

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How is gunpowder used today?

People use it for weapons and still use it for fireworks

How did ancient civilizations use fireworks?

In ancient China, where fireworks were invented during the 7th century, they were used for celebrations. That tradition carried over to other cultures and is still the main reason for fireworks being used today.

What do you use gun powder for today?

Pretty much what it was always used for- firearms and fireworks.

What is gunpowder used for today?

Today GUNPOWDER is use for fireworks weapons and even for fireworks and deretions!

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Three Chinese inventions that still exist today are gunpowder, which is still used in firearms and fireworks; the magnetic compass, which is still used for navigation; and paper, which is still widely used for writing and printing.

Why are fireworks still used today?

Fireworks are still used today for celebrations and special events because they provide visual entertainment and symbolize joy and excitement. They are also a traditional way to mark important occasions and bring people together in a festive atmosphere. Additionally, fireworks have become ingrained in cultural and national traditions in many countries.

Is gunpowder still used today?

Yes, it still has uses, including in firearms cartridges and fireworks.

What were fireworks first used for?

A Chinese celebration. The Chinese discovered fireworks and used them for celebrations.

What can gunpowder be used for?

gunpowder can be used for guns and fireworks

What silver-white metal is in fireworks?

Aluminium and magnesium are used in fireworks.