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The 3rd weekend of August the Crow host the Crow Fair. Billed as the "Tipi Capitol of the World," natives and non-natives alike gather along the Little Bighorn River to celebrate native culture in Montana. another thing about crow indians is that the boys and girls help make there teepees and the boys hunt

while the girls make clothes

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10y ago

Some facts about the Crow tribe:

  • "Crow" is a misunderstanding of their real name - Absaalooke, meaning children of the long beaked bird. This refers to a mythological ancestor spirit that was neither a crow nor any other known kind of bird.
  • Apart from a couple of minor episodes the Crows were always friendly to white people and resolved not to make war on them. They viewed whites as valuable allies against their many native enemies.
  • Crow chief Plenty Coups had a medicine vision as a young man in which he saw the Crow tribe as a chickadee bird high in a tree among a forest lashed by storms. This meant that the Crows would thrive and survive while the other Plains groups would be destroyed.
  • Crow women traditionally wore rows of elk teeth sewn to the deerskin dresses - this indicated a husband who was a very successful hunter, since each elk only has two of that type of teeth - very many would be needed to decorate a dress. Later the same decoration was used on trade cloth dresses.
  • From about 1830 to 1851 (or perhaps1854) there was a female war leader and minor chief among the Crows named Bahcheeampe(Pine Leaf) or Biawacheeitche (Woman Chief). She was really a Gros Ventre (Atsina) adopted as a young girl by the Crows. She became a warrior, war party leader and chief after waging continual war on the Blackfoot. Although she dressed as a young woman she carried weapons and lived as a warrior, taking 3 or 4 wives to cook, clean and look after her. She was eventually killed by her own tribe - the Gros Ventres.
  • Crow tipis were known as ashi in Crow. They were very distinctive because of the very long poles used, extending high above the cover and giving the tipi an hourglass shape.
  • Crow tipis were traditionally meant to be as near white as possible and left undecorated. Only a very few were painted
  • The Crow language includes some very long words such as iisaxpuatahcheeiihchiwishe, meaning a mountain goat.
  • Some historians believe that the Crows developed the warbonnet with its halo of eagle feathers - others think it was the Lakota. The brow bands of Crow warbonnets usually have a beadwork design showing a row of plain triangles representing tipis.
  • The Crow reservation is today located in the centre of traditional Crow lands in central southern Montana.
  • Many Crow warriors wore their hair in a distinctive way with the front fringe brushed upright and fixed with grease or buffalo dung, one or two thin braids each side and very long hair at the back. Some grew the back hair so it almost touched the ground.
  • Crow war paint often took the form of patches of white clay applied to the arms and body, which was then scraped with the fingernails to produce stripes. Face paint was more elaborate.
  • The Crows were originally part of the Hidatsa tribe. Legend says that they separated after an argument about buffalo meat - perhaps some time in the 1500s.
  • The Crows were divided into Mountain Crow and River Crow. These groups lived apart from each other in many small hunting bands, but individuals and families frequently visited each other.
  • The Crows were surrounded on all sides by native enemies: Shoshone, Flatheads, Pikuni Blackfoot, Sarci, Atsina, Cheyenne, Arapaho and Lakota.
  • The Crow have matrilineal Clans.
  • The Lakota annd the Cheyennne forced them out of thier eastern lands including the Black Hills. They were scouts for the US Army against the Lakota and fought on the US side at Little Big Horn
  • The Crow have a large percentage of the tribe who still speak their native language. About 50%
  • Crow men were famous amounng other tribes and early settles and trappers for their handsome beauty.
  • The Crow have a Trbal College called Little Big Horn College, started in 1994
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13y ago

known for there rice balls with hazel nut

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