important facts that happen in the past events that are record
The black death was carried by the oriental rat flea which then was past onto the rats then humans
Biographical facts are facts about a certain person.
yes they are all facts
Rehovot was created in 1890.
Rehovot's population is 112,700.
memorable facts from the past inaugurations are you suck
In Israel, one train stop from Rehovot
Shosh Atari was born in 1950, in Rehovot, Israel.
Moshe Danon was born in 1960, in Rehovot, Israel.
Saar Badishi was born in 1971, in Rehovot, Israel.
Ilan Virtzberg was born in 1951, in Rehovot, Israel.
maybe at gallery mall's and like NordStorm.
Dan Schmeidler was born on August 9, 1971, in Rehovot, Israel.
Ilan Rosenfeld was born on January 10, 1980, in Rehovot, Israel.
Zachi Toledo was born on October 30, 1979, in Rehovot, Israel.