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•The Inuit had different kinds of shelters such as an igloo, tipiqs and the Alaskan sod house.

•The igloo was a very good shelter in the winter, but would melt off in the summer; so they had summer homes, they were called the tupiq and the Alaskan sod house.

•Inside the walls of a igloo they had fur to make it warm.

•They had a fire going to keep them warm and a smoke hole inside the igloo.

•The Alaskan sod house was an all year lasting home.

•They were built along rivers, seas and small forests.

•Half of it was built underground so there was a pit and a ladder to get in.

•There was a fire pit also to keep the sod house warm.

•The tupiq was built in the summer when the igloos would melt.

•A tupiq was like a tent.

•It would last all summer but the summers were not long.

•The tupiq was built out of wood, poles, animal fur and seal skin.

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What are some Inuit facts?

Inuit Indians are nomadic people. Inut Indians live in a tupiq,Alaskan sod house ,and in iglooos