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a voluntary muscle is a muscle that move when you tell it to
Muscles in our hands (skeletal muscle) are called voluntary, because these muscles act according to the impulses (orders) given by our conscious brain.

Heart (cardiac muscle) is an example of an involuntary muscle. It works all the time with impulses from our brain stem, which is involuntary.

some more examples of voluntary muscles in our body are, muscles of the chest, neck, abdomen, etc. and those of involuntary muscles are, muscles of the digestive system, smooth muscles etc.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Voluntary muscles create intentional motion (you tell the muscle what to do) while involuntary muscles are operated through the nervous system automatically. An example of intentional motion (voluntary muscle) would be when you raise your arm, walk, etc. An example of reaction motion (involuntary motion) is breathing while you are asleep.

Muscles in our hands (skeletal muscle) are called voluntary, because these muscles act according to the impulses (orders) given by our conscious brain.

Heart (cardiac muscle) is an example of an involuntary muscle. It works all the time with impulses from our brain stem, which is involuntary.

Some more examples of voluntary muscles in our body are muscles of the chest, neck, abdomen, and legs. Involuntary muscles include the muscles of the digestive system.


Skeletal muscles, like biceps (the muscles that flex your forearm/wrist toward your shoulder) are voluntary muscles. These muscles will not flex unless you think about flexing them, and your brain sends that signal to your arm.

Cardiac muscles, which contract your heart, pumping blood to different areas of your body, are involuntary. You have no mental control over your heart muscles, they just contract on their own. When you exert yourself, you do not have to will or command your heart to beat faster. Increased heart rate is an involuntary response to exertion.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

voluntary muscles -eyes ,hands ,legs.

involuntary-heart ,bronchi of lungs,iris of eye.

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Q: What are examples of voluntary and involuntary muscle?
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What are some examples of voluntary and involuntary muscle groups?

Well, an example of involuntary is your esophagus or intestines. We were taught that digestion is an involuntary process, so I am sorry but I do not know of any voluntary muscle examples.

Is the neck a voluntary or involuntary muscle?

neck muscle is voluntary muscle i think this is correct

What is the difference between a voluntary and a involuntary muscle?

A voluntary muscle is one you must consciously choose to move, such as when pointing your finger or picking up a glass. An involuntary muscle is one that moves without you choosing to move it, such as heart muscle, and muscles involved in reflexes such as eye blinking.The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles is (involuntary muscle)when you move without you choosing to move it and (voluntary muscle) that is when you can choose a muscle to move with.Voluntary muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles are not consciously moved, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscles. When a muscle is both voluntary and involuntary it is considered voluntary.

Is the skeletal muscle voluntary or involuntary?

Skeletal muscles are mainly voluntary. Because you can consciously moveyour arm, legs, head, speak, etc.. But they can also be involuntary examples is muscle spasms, reflexes, shivering.

What is the difference between a voluntary muscle and an involuntary muscle?

A voluntary muscle is one you must consciously choose to move, such as when pointing your finger or picking up a glass. An involuntary muscle is one that moves without you choosing to move it, such as heart muscle, and muscles involved in reflexes such as eye blinking.The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles is (involuntary muscle)when you move without you choosing to move it and (voluntary muscle) that is when you can choose a muscle to move with.Voluntary muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles are not consciously moved, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscles. When a muscle is both voluntary and involuntary it is considered voluntary.

Is the smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?

Smooth muscles are involuntary, as are cardiac muscles. Only skeletal muscles are voluntary.

Is your cadiac muscle voluntary or involuntary?

Involuntary,as is the smooth muscle.

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Is muscle in the intestine voluntary or involuntary?

They are involuntary muscles.

Is the intestine voluntary or involuntary muscle?

They are involuntary muscles.

Is the heart involuntary or voluntary?

the heart is and involuntary muscle because you cannot contract the muscle.