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Q: What are examples of how civil disobedience could be used today to help remedy social skills?
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What were Gandhi tactic of Satyagraha primarily aimed towards?

towards affecting social changes using non-violent means such as civil disobedience

Which statement would have been supported by Dr Martin Luther King Jr Violent revolutions must be used to achieve lawful goals. Social control is necessary to keep order in society. Civil disobedience?

"Civil disobedience is the best way to protest unfair laws." your welcome! - Elena

What is nonviolent civil disobedience?

Nonviolent civil disobedience (NVCD): A definition Civil disobedience is both a political tactic and the basis of movements that advocate social change. It is a nonviolent action engaged in by an individual who refuses to obey a law for moral or philosophical reasons. The participants in civil disobedience willfully and openly refuse to comply with a law in order to dramatize the issue that they, or the group, find unjust. An example of civil disobedience would be an environmentalist blocking a logging road and thus preventing the passage of logging trucks loaded with timber, when the logging company has obtained a court injunction prohibiting blocking the road.

What were at least five things that roman noble boys were expected to learn?

Domestic and Social Skills, Gravitas (responsibilities, public and private), Agriculture, Military Skills, Speech, Literature, law.

What are examples of sinful social structures?

A structural sin refers to the wrongs that is done to a given society. Poor peasants being driven out of their land by the rich tycoon is an example of the sinful social structures.

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Examples of unruly behavior in children may include defiance, aggression (such as hitting or kicking), temper tantrums, backtalk, disobedience, and disruptive behavior in social settings.

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What are people skills?

People skills are being able to interact with other people in charismatic ways and being a social person. Examples of professions with people skills are teachers, real estate agents, cashiers, etc.

What kind of actions can bring about social change?

There are various actions that can bring about social change. For example, in the USA, civil disobedience has been effective in bringing about social change.

Does social skills training help for schizophrenia?

Social skills training may help with problems with social skills, but it does not help with the other symptoms.

Examples of Social growth?

Skills like bouncing back from being teased or sitting still in a group to listen to a story are all examples of healthy social and emotional development. They involve the ability to manage feelings and impulses which are needed to grow and learn.

What are examples of practical skills?

practical skills can be defined as 'doing skills', eg. the ability to perform tasks. a few examples are computer skills managing money first aid solving problems playing sports repairing things basically things that we are good at doing.

Why did different social groups join in participating civil disobedience movement?

Different social groups joined the civil disobedience movement to protest against injustice, inequality, or government policies that oppressed them. They saw civil disobedience as a way to challenge the status quo and bring about change through nonviolent resistance. By participating, they hoped to raise awareness, gain support, and ultimately achieve their goals.

what are Controversies related to social skills?

Some controversies related to social skills include the debate over whether social skills can be taught or are innate, the impact of technology on social skills development, and the role of cultural differences in defining what constitutes appropriate social behavior.

What are the examples of social pathology in the workplace?

what are the examples of a social pathology in the work place.