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Sufficient land to support the population, access to fresh water, a stable form of government, an army comprising the citizens who are willing to defend the land, a central fortification as refuge under invasion, a city usually walled, access to a river or sea for trade.

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Godfrey Smitham

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2y ago
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10y ago

By approximately 600 BC/BCE there were about 300 independent Greek city states. The characteristics of these states varied, however, most can be described as having several commonalities. The center of the city state was built on or within the confines of fortified hills for security purposes. In the outlying areas were small villages and farms and pastured animals. Most of the city states had small populations. An exception to this was the great city state of Athens. Athens became a large city state, that at its peak contained a population of almost 400,000. The citizens of these city states took great pride in their small civilizations and were loyal to the state and their neighbors. As mentioned, Athens was a large city state and only perhaps Sparta can be compared to it.

These two Greek city states stand out in history books due to their important places in ancient Greek history. To a lessor extent, smaller city states shared many of the values of either Athens or Sparta.

Sparta was known for its military strength and was ruled by a small oligarchy.

Athens was larger and as time passed gradually developed a system of government called a "democracy".

In a sense these two leading city states had fundamental differences. In Sparta, the city state demanded total allegiance to the militaristic policies of the government. Military training began at an early age and many historians classify Sparta as warrior based civilization ruled by a small select group of citizens.

In theory, laws created by the elite oligarchy had to be approved in a popular assembly of lessor citizens. As with many ancient civilizations prior to the time when Sparta became a dominating military force, voting by citizens outside the elite power structure was deceptive.

On the other hand, Athens began as an city state ruled by an aristocratic king. The monarchy style government was overthrown and Athens became a city state ruled by an oligarchy, much in the same fashion as Sparta. As time passed, however, what can be called a democracy, became the government structure of Athens. This term is used loosely as Athens had the characteristics of a limited democracy. Of the total population perhaps 50% had political rights.

The economies of the Greek city states are more easily defined. Agriculture was a source of food and for trade among the city states. Small scale industry consisting of crafters and mining were sources of revenue and for domestic use.

Commerce, by trading routes or by sea, brought in wealth and new products the city states could not produce themselves.

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9y ago

The Greek city-states were independent of each other and had their own political system. Along with their own government, they had their own military and educational system. Greek city-states also had a civic center where the citizens would meet and socialize.

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10y ago

Agricultural land to support the populace, a city usually walled containing houses, businesses and cultural resources, access to fresh water, and usually the sea for trade, a solid form of government - either oligarchic or democratic, and semi-continual warfare with neighbours near and far.

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12y ago

The characteristics of Greek cities were marvelous. They had buildings with no windows, multiple paintings, traders going around everywhere, boats and the docks, multiple houses on every block. There were usually gates and were guarded by multiple guards. Also they had great large temples made for the god they believed in and who ever it was there god or goddess had multiple statues.

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