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A benefit for indentured slaves is that they get their trip payed. They just need to work off the amount of years to pay back.

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Q: What are benefits for indentured slaves?
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What is the difference between slaves and indentured survents?

Slaves were considered property and were owned for life, while indentured servants signed contracts to work for a specific period of time in exchange for passage to a new country or other benefits. Indentured servants had the possibility of gaining freedom after their contract ended, while slaves did not have the same opportunity for freedom or autonomy.

Did Plantation workers include indentured servants and slaves?

No. Indentured workers were very early in colonial history and slaves replaced them as workers.

In what way was the life of an indentured servant different from that of a slave?

Indentured servants were contracted to work for a specific period of time in exchange for passage to a new country or other benefits, while slaves were considered property for life. Indentured servants could eventually gain their freedom and sometimes even acquire land or other opportunities, whereas slaves had no such prospects for independence. Additionally, indentured servants typically had legal rights and protections that slaves did not.

What colony has few slaves but a lot of indentured servants?

The colony of Pennsylvania had relatively few slaves but a significant number of indentured servants. Indentured servants were individuals who agreed to work for a specified period in exchange for passage to the New World or for other benefits. The Quaker influence in Pennsylvania played a role in limiting slavery in the colony.

Did Jamestown use slaves or indentured servants?

They used indentured servants.

How were indentured servants similar and different from slaves?

Indentured servants and slaves were similar in that both groups were bound to perform labor for a specified period of time. However, indentured servants typically agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for passage to a new country or other benefits, while slaves were considered property and had no control over their labor or freedom. Indentured servants could eventually gain their freedom after their term of service was completed, while slaves were perpetually owned and considered property with no rights.

Did new England have indentured servants or slaves?

New England had indentured servants

How are slaves different to indentured servants?

Slaves are owned by other people. Indentured servants signed a 7 year contract and were free people.

How did indentured servitude benefit employers?

Indentured servants were cheaper to employers compared to slaves.

Why did the Jamestown settlers want indentured servants and slaves?

When the colonies required indentured servants or slaves it was to do the work. The first slave arrived in Jamestown in 1609 and after tobacco got a start in the colony workers were needed. Indentured servants didn't work out as well, so more slaves were brought in than indentured servants.

Did the New England colony have slaves and indentured servitude?

Yes, the New England colony did have both slaves and indentured servants. While slavery was practiced in New England, particularly in industries like shipping and agriculture, the number of slaves was lower compared to the Southern colonies. Indentured servitude was also common in New England, where individuals would work under a contract for a specified period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies or other benefits.

How many indentured servants did colonial New York have?

New York had indentured servants and slaves.