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Edward leaves because he thinks Bella isn't safe with him after she gets a cut at her 18th birthday party and Jasper attacks her. She becomes besties with Jacob Black, who had a small part in the first book (Who later turns out to be a werewolf). Bella goes cliff diving, a thing that the La Push kids do all the time. Alice sees this in a vision, and thinks Bella died, because she cannot see werewolfs, because she never was one. Alice can see vampires the most clearly because she is one, she sees humans, but not as clearly, because she was one, and she can't see werewolfs because she was not ever one. So, Alice comes back to Forks, to see how Charlie is doing after Bella's 'Death'. Rosalie tells Edward about Bella, and he goes to the Volturi (The closeest thing to royalty in the Vampire world) to ask if they will grant his wish, which is to die, because he can't live without Bella, though he left her, he was coming back in a month or two, anyway. Jacob gets mad that Alice is there, claiming she 'smells bad', which she does, to werewolfs, and the same the other way around. Bella and Alice go to Italy, to stop Edward from killing himself. When Bella meets the Volturi with Edward, they say Bella must be immortal or sentenced to death because she could expose vampires. And since Bella wants to be immortal, she accepts. Charlie bans Edward from his house, and Bella is upset, and gets Charlie to let him back in, though he has certain hours he can be in. In the end, everyone takes a vote to Bella becoming a vampire, and everybody says 'Yes!' except for Edward and Rosalie. Rosalie says she'd give anything in exchange to be mortal,and Edward says it'd be the most selfish thing he would've ever done. In the end, Bella wishes Edward could change her to be immortal, because Carlisle has to, since Edward could kill her. Edward says if she gives him 2 years (Or more) he'd change her. She says she's not going anywhere near 20, so Edward has another compromise. Edward asks Bella to marry him, she thinks it's a joke, and says she'll wait for Carlisle to do it.

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