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Q: What are all of the ideas the Romans borrowed from other civilizations?
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What ideas did the Romans take from the Greeks?

They borrowed Stoicism

What did the Sumerians develop that other civilizations borrowed?

Cities, writing, the wheel, monumental architecture.

Why do you think the Romans borrowed many ideas from greek culture?

All cultures (or civilizations) borrow from other cultures. This can be done by various means such as, war, trade, intellectual contact. At the time of the Roman expansion, the Greek culture was predominant in the area. Sicily was Greek and southern Italy itself was heavily populated with Greek cities. It was inevitable that Greek ideas would merge with the Roman practicability.

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mercury was named by the Romans after a messenger god.

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What did the Greeks borrow from other cultures?

they borrowed technology from the muzazians and also borrowed the wood handcrafted designs such as musical instruments from the shopanians. Also they borrowed the building designs from the Egyptians and borrowed the armor and weaponry from sumerians. They needed an alphabet to so they borrowed the Phoenician alphabet from the romans

What advances did the Greeks and Romans make that were passed on to other civilizations?

Architecture, politics, calendar,food,art

What caused Mesopotomian and Sumerian civilizations to rise and fall?

The rivers allowed irrigation which helped them grow crops. This helped civilizations grow. Other civilizations including Alexander the Great, Romans, and Persians developed better armies to destroy these civilizations.

Why do you think the Romans borrowed ideas from the Greeks?

They saw the Greeks as an advanced society and why reinvent the wheel when they could borrow. Our society has done exactly the same thing. Everyday there are things you use, wear, and see that are based on the past. History is layers of interconnected civilizations and we are not separate from our past but part of it. History is not like chapters in a history book, but all leading one to the other based on what went before. Watch the old TV series Connections.

Why do you think the Romans borrowed ideas from the greek?

They saw the Greeks as an advanced society and why reinvent the wheel when they could borrow. Our society has done exactly the same thing. Everyday there are things you use, wear, and see that are based on the past. History is layers of interconnected civilizations and we are not separate from our past but part of it. History is not like chapters in a history book, but all leading one to the other based on what went before. Watch the old TV series Connections.