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he helped make the war go faster

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Q: What are Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the american revolution?
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Thomas Jeffersons greatest contribution to the American revolution was?

He was the one who wrote the declaration of independence

What was Thomas Jeffersons nick name?

Thomas Jefferson's nick name was "the Pen of Revolution".

Did Thomas Jeffersons wife make any major contributions?

i think he gave from the rick to the poor

How did Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson make similar contributions to the American Revolution?

Both played a role in writing the declaration of independence

Was Thomas Jefferson in the American revolution?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson was one of the leaders in the American Revolution.

What important contributions did Thomas Jefferson make toward the revolution?

Wrote the declaration of independence

Did Thomas Jefferson live in Virginia during the American Revolution?

Yes Thomas Jefferson lived in Virginia, during the American revolution.

What contributions did Thomas Jefferson make to the growth of American democracy?


Who supported the American Revolution?

thomas jefferson

Who was the pen of the American Revolution?

Thomas Jefferson

Was Thomas Jefferson a general in a army?

Yes Thomas Jefferson was an American general during the American revolution.

Father of American Revolution?

The Father of the American Revolution is said to be Thomas Paine. He is the author of the pamphlet Common Sense.