If the question is, have military payment certificates been issued at the 5 cent value the answer is yes. I have one and its the 611 series. It depends on the series and the condition. The 1st 2 digits in the series # represent the year it was made, the 3rd # which printing in that year. So the example above: 611 means it was printed in 1961 and it was of the 1st printing. Again, depending on condition of the note, it's probably worth about $5, give or take.
The South Viets used Piasters. GIs used MPC (Military Payment Certificates).
WWI veterans seeking the bonus Congress had promised them. And in 1924, congress passed the adjusted compensation act,which provided for a lump-sum payment to the veterans in 1945
Hamilton dealt with the 12 million dollar debt by offering certificates to sale to the citizens. This bond offering allowed debt payment without bankrupting the new nation.
37 military payment certificate series 611
Visit a coin shop or a numismatist.
According to antiquemoney.com, the series 641 5 cent MPCs (Military Payment Certificates) are common, and are worth anywhere from one to five dollars, depending on the condition of the certificate.
The values of MPC's depends upon the condition and the denomination of the certificates.
Only in country; exchange them for US currency upon leaving.
If the question is, have military payment certificates been issued at the 5 cent value the answer is yes. I have one and its the 611 series. It depends on the series and the condition. The 1st 2 digits in the series # represent the year it was made, the 3rd # which printing in that year. So the example above: 611 means it was printed in 1961 and it was of the 1st printing. Again, depending on condition of the note, it's probably worth about $5, give or take.
The values of MPC's depends upon the condition and the denomination of the certificates.
The South Viets used Piasters. GIs used MPC (Military Payment Certificates).
nothing, no depends on the shape its in
An uncirculated one is worth about $32 USD
The French P was the main currency; and that was worthless compared to the US MPC (Military Payment Certificate/or Military Payment Currency). Collectors might want the material for this century (21st) however.
I Demand Payment - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved