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Q: What are Goths's subculture like?
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Is Amish a counterculture?

explain why the Amish are considered by sociologists as a subculture and not as a counterculture.

Is racism a subculture?

Racism is not a subculture but a common belief that members of a subculture known as "skinheads" share.

What is the suffix for subculture?

Subculture is formed from the word "culture" with the prefix "sub-" which means below. No suffixes are involved.

What do you think about subculture?

What I think about subculture is that it is apart of our lives so that makes it a way of life.

What are the release dates for Subculture - 2013?

Subculture - 2013 was released on: USA: 2013 (limited)

What is a example of a diverse?

Tattoos, fads, clothing , music preference stuff like that subculture sets

What are the subculture group in the Philippines?

The Philippines is made up of 1,707 islands and each one has its own subculture. The largest subculture group of the Philippines were originally from Southeast Asia.

When discussing subculture's it is important to note that each individual could be?

unique in their beliefs, behaviors, and values while still belonging to the same subculture. This diversity within a subculture can contribute to its overall richness and complexity.

Is the grunge movement a subculture?

Yes, the grunge movement can be considered a subculture. It emerged in the 1980s and 1990s as a music and fashion movement characterized by its raw sound and unkempt style. Grunge subculture is associated with bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and its influence extended to fashion, art, and lifestyle choices.

Is rap a subculture?


Is the Lutheran religion an example of a subculture?

No. It is an example of a religion. The hippie movement would have been a subculture.

Is hip hop a subculture or dominant culture?

Hip-Hop dance is an artistic culture.