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During the Civil Rights Movement people would go into a restaurant that refused to serve blacks and just sit, so as to take up much seating. These were called sit-ins. They did not fight or exhibit violence. This was Martin Luther King's way to drawing attention to the problem of segregation.

A die-in, where people lie down and pretend to be dead, often in streets, entrances, etc., to protest behavior they oppose. Animal rights and environmental activists often use this form of protest. Tree huggers chain themselves to trees to protest them being destroyed.

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Q: What are 2 examples of nonviolent resistance?
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The study of nonviolent resistance is called nonviolence studies or nonviolent conflict studies. It explores the theory and practice of achieving social and political change through nonviolent means such as civil disobedience, protests, and grassroots movements.

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Marting Luther King Jr advocated a doctrine of?

A doctrine of Nonviolent Resistance!!!

Nonviolent resistance means what?

Non violent resistance is like noncooperation. Such as in sit-ins, protesters would stay sitting and quiet if provoked by authorities.I am improving this answer.Actually Nonviolent Resistance means:The policy of opposing an enemy or oppressor by any means other than violence