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Q: What architectural elements was perfected by the Romans and enabled them to build large public buildings such as the Pantheon?
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What elements characterized The Pantheon?

pediment, coffering, oculus

What architectural elements did the Romans borrow from Greeks?

columns and open spaces

Is the white house roman architecture?

No, it is called Federalist which used elements,of Greek buildings.

What medieval architecture is still used today?

If you are asking about actual buildings, there are a lot of medieval buildings in use in Europe, including a large number of churches. Some of the castles are also in current use in a variety of ways. There are sections of towns where most houses are medieval. Architectural style elements that survive from the Middle Ages and are used today include just about anything Romanesque or Gothic, as both these styles are imitated in full or in part in current building, and have been since the 19th century. This is particularly true of church construction. But an imitation of medieval timbered construction used for houses or shops would not be unusual.

Why did the roman make advancements in practical technology during the pax romana?

Much of the technology had been developed before the Pax Romana. The three elements of the Roman architectural revolution (Roman concrete, the arch and the vault), the hypcaust (the system of underfloor heating), the arched bridges, the aqueducts and the stone-paved roads were developed before the Pax Romana. The ballista (a crossbow-like catapult), the groma (a surveying instrument) and the siege machines of the Greeks had already been adopted. What happened during the Pax Romana was that there was large scale construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges, aqueducts, ports and dams) and public buildings using new technologies which had already been developed, rather than further technological innovation. The use of these technologies was pushed further with the construction of ambitious projects, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the bridge over the River Danube), New and more efficient types of ballistas were also developed.

Related questions

What elements characterized The Pantheon?

pediment, coffering, oculus

What were the three elements that made up the Pantheon?

The Pantheon was made up of three elements:* a porch with columns; * a tall intermediary block; and * a rotunda that forms the cella of the temple.

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Culture can influence the architectural style, materials used, and design elements in buildings in a particular hometown. For example, traditional cultural values or local customs may be reflected in the building's aesthetics and overall layout. Cultural traditions can also dictate the types of buildings that are considered important or necessary in a community.

How did greek archetecture influence roman life?

Greek architecture influenced Roman life by inspiring the Romans to adopt architectural elements and principles, such as columns, friezes, and pediments, into their own building designs. This led to the construction of grand structures like temples, theaters, and civic buildings that reflected the aesthetics and style of Greek architecture. The Romans also developed their own architectural innovations, combining elements of Greek design with their own engineering advancements to create a unique Roman architectural style.

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The word "column" originates from the Latin word "columna," meaning pillar or support. It has been used to describe architectural elements that provide support or decoration in structures such as buildings and monuments.

What architectural elements did the Romans borrow from Greeks?

columns and open spaces

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Perfection or birth of the contract takes place when the parties agree upon the essential elements of the contract.

Is architectural engineering a civil engineering degree?

No, they are two different fields of study. But they work together in the profession. The architectural engineer concerns himself mostly with aesthetic elements of a design. The civil engineer concerns himself mostly with structural and safety elements of a design.

How does geographic affect the architectural design?

Geography affects architectural design by influencing factors such as climate, materials availability, and topography. Architects must consider these elements when designing a building to ensure its sustainability, functionality, and integration into the natural landscape. For example, buildings in cold climates may require thicker insulation, while those in earthquake-prone areas need to be designed to withstand seismic activity.

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Historic resources refer to elements that hold cultural, historical, architectural, or archaeological significance. These resources can include buildings, structures, landscapes, sites, or objects that provide insights into the past. Preservation and conservation efforts are often focused on safeguarding these resources for future generations.