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Ngo Dien Diem

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Q: What anti communist South Vietnam president canceled elections that were supposed to unify Vietnam?
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Which country embraced the communist movement?

Russia is one of the countries which embraced the communist movement. Communism is supposed to bring equality and safety into society.

Who broke the Geneva accords by not allowing free elections in south Vietnam?

The government of South Vietnam, under President Ngo Dinh Diem, is often cited as the entity that broke the Geneva Accords by not allowing free elections in South Vietnam as stipulated in the agreement. Diem feared that the communists would win the elections and chose not to hold them, which violated the Accords. This played a significant role in escalating the conflict and leading to the Vietnam War.

Why was president tum an opposed to declaring war on china?

Because we are only supposed to be fighting for our own country

How did the Communist Party under Stalin force people to obey?

The ruling Communist party used secret police, torture, and bloody purges to force people to obey. For the Party and its leader, Stalin, the "State" was the most important thing. Individuals were supposed to serve the State. Terror became an effective but immoral method to force citizens, communist party members and military officers to follow Stalin's dictates.

Who felt that those who were the disloyal to America were immigrants from part of the world were Communists dominated?

During the Cold War era, a significant portion of the American population, including prominent politicians and government officials, believed that immigrants from regions where communism was prevalent, such as Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, were more likely to be disloyal to America and sympathetic to communist ideologies. This perception was shaped by the fear of communist infiltration and espionage within the United States. This led to policies and campaigns aimed at identifying and rooting out supposed communist sympathizers, including the infamous McCarthyism period.

Related questions

What would happen if the US presidential elections were postponed?

I don't know. They are never supposed to be canceled according to the constitution. If they are canceled there might be a revolution or civil war.

Why don't communists have elections?

Technically communists are supposed to have elections. The choice between candidates is limited to communists however, so that either way a communist will take office. In some communist countries only registered party members may vote, further limiting the voice of the people. In practice many communist countries do not bother with elections ( ie Cuba, North Korea).

Why are the 2008 elections so important?

The country needs a new president because George W. Bush has already served two terms. It also is the year that a new President is supposed to be elected.

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Yes, there was supposed to be a 3rd one but it got canceled

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got canceled but he is supposed to be hosting a vh1 game show

Which country embraced the communist movement?

Russia is one of the countries which embraced the communist movement. Communism is supposed to bring equality and safety into society.

When is galactik football season 3 out?

Was supposed to be 2010... ...but was canceled for between 2011 and 2013 but the exact date is still not confirmed.

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Why hasn't there been a Latino president?

Because a president is supposed to be American.

How many santa clauses makes one elf?

children! Santa wanted to say that Christmas is canceled this year.=( I wasn't supposed to tell them? Kids Christmas insn't canceled! (UHUM UHUM) (COUGH COUGH) (SNEEZE SNEEZE) Seeyah

Who must the president get agreement from before he makes a treaty?

The President is supposed to consult with the Senate

Does Afghanistan support North Korea?

No and it probably never has since the Communist government fell in 1992. The Taliban other militants despised communism and would likely have nothing to do with a supposed communist state.