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Q: What ancient gods were depicted carrying hammers?
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The friezes that adorned ancient Greek temples often depicted what?

Gods and heroes.

Did Artemis have a scepter?

The Greek goddess Artemis is not depicted carrying a scepter. She is depicted as a young huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The goddess with a scepter is Hera, queen of the gods.

What did the friezes that adorned ancient Greek temples often depicted?

C)epic tales of the gods.

What did passion play depict in ancient Egypt?

Passion plays depicted the life of pagan gods.

Why do the ancient Egyptian gods carry anhks?

The ankh is a symbol of life and immortality in ancient Egypt. The gods are often depicted carrying ankhs as a symbol of their divine power to grant and sustain life. It represents their role as guardians and bestowers of life on earth and also reflects the belief in the afterlife and eternal life in Egyptian mythology.

Is Anubis an alien?

No. Anubis is one of the gods worshiped in ancient Egypt. He is depicted as an alien, specifically a Goa'uld in the TV series Stargate SG-1.

Who were Horus and Anubis?

Horus was an ancient Egyptian god of the sky and kingship, often depicted as a falcon or a falcon-headed man. Anubis was another ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife, depicted with the head of a jackal. Both gods played important roles in Egyptian mythology and religious beliefs.

Who was Mercury the planet named after?

Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, was named after the ancient Roman messenger god Mercury. He was known for his speed, agility, and communication skills, which was seen as a fitting namesake for the fast-moving planet.

How many Greek gods carried weapons?

Athena, Ares and Artemis are always depicted carrying weapons. Poseidon carries his trident about, which has more functions than just being a weapon. Similarly Zeus usually has his thunderbolts. The other gods can be armed when they like.

Why were Egyptian gods depicted wearing beards?

They were depicted to wearing beards because it signified their power.

Who are the faces on the ancient Greek coins?

The faces on ancient Greek coins can vary, but they often depicted gods, goddesses, or rulers. Some commonly depicted figures include Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, Apollo, the god of light, Zeus, the king of the gods, and Alexander the Great, the famous Macedonian king who conquered much of the known world.

How many Ancient Italy gods are there?

They are the Roman gods. Italy didn't have their own an ancient gods.