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Q: What amendment gave congress the authority to enact an income tax?
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Why did congress pass the suffrage amendment?

To give equal voting rights to women. Congress did not enact that amendment or any other. The STATES amended the Constitution to allow female voting.

What year did Congress enact the Native Races Act?


How does the Congress change or add onto Amendments?

Extremely good and important question! Congress does not amend the Constitution. This is an important and probaby not widely understood fact. The framers were wise men. They figured that if they were going to take the words "We The People" seriously, then some things were going to have to be true. First, The People will be the ones to ratify the Constitution, and if The People have the power to enact the Constitution, then they are the ones with the power to change it. Congress can initiate an amendment, but if they do, even if all of Congress votes for it, Congress must submit the amendment to the states for them to decide whether or not they want it. The amendment doesn't become law unless it is accepted by the states. Look in the Constitution itself and you will find the specifics. The decision of the states is final; no individual or body can over-ride the decision of the states (people); not the Congress, and not even the Supreme Court. The states themselves can initiate an amendment, but this method has never been used. We have become so large and powerful, and we are far enough removed from the founders in time, that we have forgotten a lot about what "We The People" actually means. It is easy for us to fall into the thinking that the US Government is the ultimate power. It is not. Within the law, The People represent the ultimate authority in this land (The US). I say "within the law" to clarify that I am not saying that we are free to engage in lawless and violent vigilante rule.

The chief legislative body of the people's republic of china is known as the?

The chief legislative body of the People's Republic of China is known as the National People's Congress (NPC). It is the highest organ of state power and consists of delegates representing provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, as well as the armed forces. The NPC has the authority to enact laws, approve the budget, and elect key government officials.

How are new amendments ratified?

New amendments are ratified by the people as they are represented by their states. Three fourths of the states must ratify an amendment in order for it to take effect. No group or individual has any veto power over the ratification of an amendment by the states. Amendments can be initiated by the government, as have all the amendments ratified so far. Less known is the fact that the states themselves, according to the Constitution, can initiate amendments independent of government. In this case, the government's only involvement is to instruct the states whether they can ratify amendments through state legislatures, or by state conventions. There is no appeal when the states ratify an amendment. The only authority that can enact an amendment or repeal one is The People.

Related questions

When was the amendment that gave congress authority to enact an income tax ratified?

The amendment that gave Congress authority to enact an income tax was ratified on February 3, 1913. This amendment, known as the 16th Amendment, allows Congress to levy and collect taxes on income without apportionment among the states.

What Amendment gave Congress the authority that it needed to enact another graduated income tax in 1913.?

16th Amendment

Why did congress pass the suffrage amendment?

To give equal voting rights to women. Congress did not enact that amendment or any other. The STATES amended the Constitution to allow female voting.

Three examples of laws that congress can enact under the constitution?

Civil Rights Law, Income tax law and minimum wages law are examples of the laws enacted under constitution. Congress holds the right to enact these laws.

What is the purpose of the amendments?

Constitutional amendments allow the congress or people of the united states to override the ruling of the supreme court that the enactment of a law would be unconstitutional. For instance after the supreme court ruled that income tax was unconstitutional it took an amendment to the constitution to be able to enact the tax. They can also be used to change aspects of the constitution, changing the scope, range and assignment of governmental authority or repealing former amendments.

Congress passed the civil rights act of 1964 using what constitutional authority?

Congress used the authority found in the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson.

Why must federal government be allwed to levy taxes?

In 1913 the sixteenth amendment was ratified by the states. It reads:The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.This gives legal authority to congress to enact legislation allowing for the levying and collection of income taxes.

When did the IRS come into existence and why?

The roots go back to the Civil War in 1862 when Congress created the position of commissioner of the Internal Revenue and enacted an income tax to pay for the war. The income tax was repealed 10 years later, but was started again in 1894. The Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional the following year. In 1913 Wyoming ratified the 16th amendment. The 16th amendment gave congress the authority to enact an income tax. That same year the first 1040 form appeared and a 1% net tax on personal incomes above 3,000 with a 6% surtax on incomes of 500, 000. In 1918 during WW1 the top rate of income tax rose to 77% to help pay for the war. It dropped after the war to 24% in 1929, but rose again in the depression. In WW2 Congress introduced payroll withholding and quarterly tax payments. In the 1950's the name was changed to the IRS.

What gave the government the power to tax?

16th amendment and a number of other things..including plain common sense.

Which article of the Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to introduce taxes?

Article, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution authorizes Congress to levy taxes to pay our country's debts, to fund a military force, and for the general good of the country. Amendment XVI (Amended 16) to the Constitution gives Congress the right enact an income tax that doesn't have to be shared with the states. It also exempts income taxes from the Constitutional category of direct taxation.

What is the job of the legislature branch?

The Legislative Branch is made up of Congress members. The branch can apply legislation and enact war. The branch also has the authority to impeach federal officers.

What is the roll of the legislative branch?

The constitution grants congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.