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the administration of IV fluids, bowel decompression with a nasogastric tube, or a therapeutic enema are often successful in reducing intussusception. Patients whose symptoms point to bowel perforation or strangulation, however, require immediate surgery

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Q: What alternatives to intussusception reduction are available?
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Related questions

What is a manual reduction of an intussusception?

The surgeon first attempts to reduce the intussusception by "milking" or applying gentle pressure to ease the intussusceptum out of the intussuscipiens; this technique is called manual reduction

What problems can happen after intussusception surgery?

Intussusception recurs in approximately 1-4% of patients after surgery, compared to 5-10% after nonsurgical reduction. Adhesions form in up to 7% of patients who undergo surgical reduction. The rate of.

How is an intussusception reduced?

Surgical correction of an intussusception is done with the patient.If manual reduction is not successful, the surgeon may perform a resection of the intussusception.An alternative to the traditional abdominal incision is laparoscopy.

What are the risks of intussusception surgery?

Complications associated with intussusception reduction include reactions to general anesthesia; perforation of the bowel; wound infection; urinary tract infection; excessive bleeding; and formation of adhesions.

What is the treatment for intussusception?

The main treatment for intussusception is a procedure called a barium or air enema, which aims to push the folded intestine back into its normal position. If the enema is unsuccessful or if there are complications, surgery may be needed to correct the condition. Prompt medical attention is crucial to prevent complications like bowel obstruction.

What is telescoping of the intestines?


Telescoping of one part of the intestine into adjacent part?

This is called Intussusception. Most commonly seen in infants , but can occur in adults also. Needs immediate attention and surgery.

What can I do to reduce the use of CFCs?

We can stop CFC's by using their alternatives. A ban has to be placed.

What happens in intussusception?

In intussusception, the bowel telescopes into itself like a radio antenna folding up.

How many incidence case of ileocecal intussusception?

Unfortunately I don't have specifics, but this might give you a feel for things. Ileocecal intussusception is the most common form of intussusception. The overall incidence of intussusception is 1-4/1000, with 90% being of the idiopathic form (ie, no specific mechanical lead point for the intussusception can be found), and of these idiopathic cases, most are ileocecal.

What demographics are associated with intussusception?

Intussusception, a condition where one segment of the intestine collapses into another, is most commonly seen in infants and young children. It is more common in boys than girls and typically occurs between the ages of 3 months and 3 years old. It is also more frequently seen in children with a history of gastrointestinal disorders or infections.

What is the best available alternatives for CFLs?

LED light bulbs are considered the best alternative to CFLs due to their energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and ability to produce a similar quality of light. They are also more environmentally friendly as they do not contain mercury like CFLs do. Halogen incandescent bulbs are another alternative, but they are less energy-efficient than LEDs.