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Surplus of food.

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Q: What allowed the Mesopotamians to specialize in different professions?
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How did the Tigris river and Euphrates river helped the Mesopotamians travel?

it allowed the Mesopotamians to travel along the rivers allowing them to speed up all travel alongside our on the river

Are women allowed to work in japan?

Yes, but the number of professions that are open for women are limited.

What did the surpluses allow Egyptians and mesopotamia?

It allowed them to specialize and develop new trades and disciplines.

Where did the Mesopotamians worship their gods?

The Mesopotamians were the first civilization, so therefore, they "came up" with the first religion. The Mesopotamians were polytheistic, which means they worshipped many gods. The gods the Mesopotamians worshipped were based on the natural happenings, their harvest's, hurricanes, and they loved (especially) one god that they claimed "made" the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood in the summertime every year, so the crops were extra rich from the silt in the water, which came from the mountains.

What did the domestication of crops and animals mean for mesopotamia?

By cultivating crops and raising animals, the Mesopotamians were able to store a surplus of food. Thanks to food surplus, many people were no longer needed for hunting and gathering, and it only took some of the people to farm, so the rest could specialize at learning other tasks. Additionally, farming allowed the population to increase.

How did the chariot change the Mesopotamians lives?

The chariot allowed for the creation of the cavalry. It added speed and strength to an army and also created an intimidation factor for infantry.

What did girls in colonial times do at school?

Yes, they did go to school, but didn't go much beyond 8th grade. They were not allowed in university or into professions.

Why were Jews thrown out of the German civil service?

They were also barred from the civil service and from certain professions to gather in ghetos and in death camps. Jews were not allowed to have a job in Germany.

How did the ability of Sumerian farmers to produce food surpluses help make Sumer a civilization?

it made people have more jobs and more freetime

What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania and Massachusettes?

Pennsylvania allowed different religions where as Massachusetts did not.

How does an optometrist work with an ophthamologist?

Optometrists primarily refract (fit) eye glasses and contacts. They also can diagnose many eye diseases but in most states are not allowed to treat eye diseases. Opthalmologists are physicians who then specialize in treatments and surgery of the eyes. They too refract (fit) eyeglasses. Many eye clinics have both O.D. (Doctor of Optometry) and M.D. or D.O. (opthalmologists) but many of both professions practice independently.

Were women allowed to work in 1660?

Yes, though some professions were closed to them, most women worked either on farms, the family business, as market-sellers, servants etc.